Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I Found Jesus!

Today I went up and down the stairs
carrying the boxes--
boxes full of ornaments
and Christmas books
and bows
and, my favorite,
nativity sets.

Last year I left the one that Victor and the children had given me one Christmas
out until Valentine's Day because we just needed to see it a little bit longer.
We didn't pack it up very well.
I found the stable in 3 pieces
and a wise man lying on the attic floor alone.
Mary and Joseph were together but the manger was empty.
Then I found a box with carefully wrapped figures:
the other wise men were there
and the shepherd boy
and the donkey and the sheep.
After I had unwrapped each one and sifted through the tissue paper several times,
I realized
Baby Jesus was missing.
I swallowed hard and ran up two flights of stairs
and dragged the lamp as close to the attic door as its cord would allow
and took off the shade
and tilted it into the doorway
and knelt down.
Please, God, help me find Jesus.
My hands felt slowly over the insulation.
Then, behind a rafter, my fingers touched something small.
Yes. Jesus.
I was so afraid I had lost Him.
As I placed Him in the manger, in the midst of faces fixed on Him,
I knew that in each of us there is an empty place
that truly can only be filled
with Jesus.
Only Jesus.
I thought I had lost Him.
But, no, I found Jesus.
Thank You, God.

Thank You also, Lord, for:
*a nativity scene for every room
*built in exercise:  bringing boxes down the stairs and going back up again and again
*the last of the Thanksgiving turkey
*Mary Ellen giving me a ride to choir practice
*going to choir practice after so long
*sing about my Savior--worship on Wednesday night
*being next to Bikie
*new faces
*Gretchen's faith
*Victor working so hard for us

With gratitude,

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A Wonderful Day

I sang it in the shower once again:
"This is the day
This is the day
That the Lord has made
That the Lord has made!
I will rejoice
I will rejoice
and be glad in it
and be glad in it!"

Now that's a great way to start a day.
And it was a wonderful day after all.

Thank You, Lord, for:
*seeing our breath on a first cold morning
*coffee beans
*sweet puppy dogs that follow me everywhere
*big Snowball waiting for us in the sunshine on the porch
*playing Christmas music
*getting out Christmas decorations and being delighted all over again
*Margaret wanting to decorate her room with the snow globes
*Benjamin hugging Mema tight even though he is now taller than she is
*JV's and M's teams being league champs and JV getting the golden boot for his league

With gratitude,

Monday, November 28, 2011

Slow, Steady Rain

During this Advent season my prayer is for a




of the Spirit


my heart,

my home,

my life.

Lord, thank You for slowing me
and stilling me
in the midst of the preparations.
Please, rain on me slow and steady
until I'm ready.

Thank You, Lord, for:
*walking to the bank drive-thru with the girls
*sweet Dawn at the window
*seeing Mrs. Rachel in her pretty pink pajamas and wishing her a "Happy Birthday"
*appreciation of my household helpers (the dishwasher and the dryer) because we haven't always had them
*how handsome Victor looks in his suits
*having my coat cleaned
*Proverbs 31 magazine arriving in the mail with messages I needed today
*singing Mama's "Hymn of Promise" during the Chrismon service and letting the tears flow
*Little Darlin' lapping up the cat's milk (who knew?)
*time to prepare our home and my heart for the birthday of the King

With gratitude,

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Lord Prepare Me

On this first Sunday in Advent I know I am not ready.

I am not ready for Christ to come.

I am not prepared.

Oh, how I want to be ready.

I want to welcome You with open arms into my life.

A song from long ago comes to mind:

"Lord, prepare me
to be a sanctuary,
pure and holy,
tried and true.
With thanksgiving,
I'll be a living
for You."

Here is the prayer from The Upper Room Advent Worship Litany for today:

"God of mercy, receive our burdens.
We release these to create space in our hearts for You.
Thank You that You desire to make us Your sanctuary. Amen."

Lord, thank You for Advent, for time to prepare for Your coming.
Please help me to be ready.

Thank You, Lord, for:
*Paul lifting the children to place the Chrismons on the tree
*listening on the radio to our worship service
*Benjamin wanting to go to the Bethany Home to sing
*walking to church
*seeing the sliver of a moon peeping out between the clouds on the walk home
*hospice care
*Maddux folding his hands when his Daddy said "Let us pray."
*Looking up to the words on the screen to sing
*sitting with friends in church
*lighting the first advent candle

With gratitude,

Saturday, November 26, 2011

A New Day

I framed the painting Margaret did in art class
and hung it right beside my secretary.
It's of a field and trees and sky and plants.
The words below the tallest tree say:
"The Blue Sky is clear,
 Yesterday is forgotten,
 A new Day has come. . . . . "

Thanksgiving Day has come and gone,
but my Thanksgiving will go on
because I believe a new day has come to our family.

I read this morning from Ezra from a section in chapter 3 subtitled
"Temple Restoration Begun".
Verse 11 says:
"They sang,
 praising and giving thanks to the Lord, saying,
'for He is good,
for His lovingkindness is upon Israel forever.'
And all the people shouted with a great shout
when they praised the Lord because
the foundation of the Lord was laid."

Could it be?
Has our family's restoration begun?

Yes.  A new day has come!

Thank You, Lord, for:
*Margaret's creativity
*Joseph's nice friend
*Mema's pretty hairdo
*time to put away Thanksgiving decorations and dishes
*our new dryer helping me catch up on the laundry
*seeing dear Carolyn while on my walk
*school pictures smiling at me
*the cats being able to come inside
*Benjamin waking up before me ready to play soccer on a Saturday morning
*talking over good memories of this Thanksgiving with Vic

With gratitude,

Friday, November 25, 2011

Without Complaint

"Be hospitable to one another
without complaint."
                              -I Peter 4:9

Could it be that complaining cancels out hospitality?

What about quiet complaining, not even spoken out loud, just whispered--muttered--in my own heart?

Where does it come from, this urge to complain?

Does comparison create complaining?

Comparing and complaining blinds me to blessings and paralyzes hospitality.

Counting my blessings and giving thanks makes love overflow and hospitality happen.

Please, Lord, keep teaching me how to be hospitable.

Thank You for showing me how through those who have shown me hospitality.

Thank You, Lord, for:
*an achingly beautiful afterglow on the river
*so many, many bright stars
*my children growing up--for who they are
*roses from the yard to grace our tables
*the bounty of the table and the blessing of the relationships
*the miracle of love that covers a multitude of sins
*sisters and brothers and family
*sunshine and shells and a beach and a morning walk
*fresh cranberry sauce
*pies, glorious pies (with a good cup of coffee)

With gratitude,

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

"This I recall to my mind,
Therefore I have hope.
The Lord's lovingkindnesses indeed never cease,
For His compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.
The Lord is my portion,
says my soul,
Therefore I have hope in Him."
                                                  -Lamentations 3:21-24

This I have learned:
When I recall to my mind the Lord's
and faithfulness-
when I am thankful,
then I am happy.
Happy and Thanksgiving just go together.

Thank You, Lord, for:
1.  the freshness of each new day
2.  the wonder of this recently repaired computer
3.  everyone being home and around the table
4.  cooking with the kids
5.  the family kitchen and the "little" kitchen both going strong
6.  Victor's dedication to our family
7.  dear Jane calling when I was long overdue
8.  the hope of Your Word
9.  Sarah N. calling to express her thankfulness and to offer ongoing generosity
10.  fine friends

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

With gratitude,