Friday, October 04, 2013

Mosaic Wonder

Broken pieces
coming together
in the cross
marvelous mosaic wonder!

Thank You, glorious God, for these wonders of Your love:
*dear Berklee
*catching Daddy, as usual, out on the porch
*counting blessings
*our wonderful washing machine
*napping with Little Darlin and Sweetie Pie
*the perpetual pink potato vine
*sending a birthday party to Athens over the phone
*Andrew riding his bike around Jacksonville
*Vic inviting me out on a date!

With gratitude,

Seventeen Year Old Wonder

Here is Margaret the night of
her birthday party
with some of her friends.

(She is seated in front on right with light blouse.)
Isn't she beautiful?

Thank You, God, for these wonders of Your love:
*children growing up
*celebrating life
*Breanne calling to check on me
*a new recipe
*Sarah's good meeting with her professor
*a newborn Sarah in the family (Susan and Michael's)
*remembering Mama
*reading truth in A Testament of Devotion

With gratitude,

Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Wonder of Sacred Rhythms

God gathered us around this table

and graced us with
as we encountered Sacred Rhythms.

Though tonight was the end,
it was really just the beginning.

Thanks be to God!

Thank You, God, for these wonders of Your love:
*Andrew's "Guess what?"
*Adam, Buffy, and Arthur coming back
*Paula's faith and love
*sunset glory
*Lucy starting better than ever
*Victor's Happy Fall Y'all pumpkins
*Karen auditing Sacred Rhythms
*a little time with Retha
*God's great patience

With gratitude,

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Early Morning Sky Wonder

Early Monday morning,
while waiting for Bertha's tank to fill with gas,
I happened to look up

to the wonder of this early morning sky!

Oh my.

Thank You, God, for these wonders of Your love:
*magnificent beauty all around
*Andrew's handiness
*Andrew's willingness
*the possibility of a riding-a-bike job
*father-daughter time
*sacred small groups
*gifted storytellers
*Victor getting a thrill to last a while
*Baby leaping onto Andrew like Spiderman
*meals for Mema

With gratitude,