On the third of July at Tybee
a storm came up during supper.
Darkness suddenly fell
except for flashes of lightning.
Thunder rumbled close by.
The dogs were shaking
and searching for shelter.
But the storm passed.
And as I walked out on the upstairs porch
to sit on the swing
I spotted a section of a rainbow
slipping through the clouds
as a ship headed out to sea.
Thank you, God, that I know I am beloved by:
*everyday signs and wonders
*books delivered to my door right on time
*the promise of small groups
*Joseph grilling hamburgers on Amber's birthday
*going to get the stump with Vic
*hearing good words about Ben
*and then about Margaret
*making progress, even slow progress
*almost all the Grace Girls are coming
*Sister mentioned fondly
With gratitude,