This line from the "My Utmost for His Highest" devotion for today
just about jumped off the page at me this morning:
"Get a move on; begin to abide now."
I just returned home after a wonderful time of abiding in Christ
at the Image of the Maker retreat and felt so filled up with God,
so ready to keep on abiding in His love and peace.
Yet, night before last a nightmare barged into my abiding.
And last night I let exhaustion have its way
as I fretted and fumed and sighed my way
through the final necessary preparations for the restaurant
and went to bed and tossed and turned instead of resting, abiding.
So I guess God knew what I needed to hear this morning.
"Think of the things that take you out of abiding in Christ -
Yes, Lord, just a minute, I have got this to do;
Yes, I will abide when once this is finished;
when this week is over, it will be all right,
I will abide then.
In the initial stages it is a continual effort
until it becomes so much the law of life
that you abide in Him unconsciously.
Determine to abide in Jesus wherever you are placed."
Lord, please help me today (just for today) to abide in You.
Day 3 - gifts from God:
(thinking back to the retreat)
1. new black sandals without staples for just $10
2. unbroken chain for Mama's cross
3. hearing old friend's familiar laughter again
4. accurate directions
5. cool, green-covered winding drive into conference center
6. Kathy's friendly smile and welcoming handshake
7. room D13 with a leafy view and a rocking chair
8. kneeling to pray
9. Victor's ready encouragement to go
10. registering right away - moved by Holy Spirit.
As I abide, please open my eyes to Your gifts,
Your abundant gifts of love, life.
With gratitude,
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