Our restaurant, our work, is based on Hebrews 13:2:
"Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers,
for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it."
I realized today that it is in the showing hospitality,
in the entertaining angels, that we are blessed.
God speaks to us and cares for us, encourages and loves us
through the ones we serve.
Several of these angels had lunch with us today
and graced us with the goodness of God.
Thank you, Lord, for this wonderful work you've given us
and for the angels you send our way.
Day 31 - gifts from God:
1. finding out that our friend Faith was one of Daddy's ER nurses when the snake bit him
2. dear Anne bringing me gifts: sweet smelling pancake mix from Texas,
an encouraging note that I'll keep and read again and again,
and (this made me cry on the spot) money for a special "Sally treat"
3. best of all, Anne brought the gifts of her lovely daughter and granddaughters
4. Gwen, who has listened and loved and believed with me and given me hope
5. Jan, who forgave us our debt and revealed Your forgiveness and grace
6. celebrating birthdays with sparklers, songs, and signs
7. friends who taught together getting together
8. this wonderful computer
9. safety in the vicinity of a shooting
10. pretty paper pineapples
Love, Grace, Gifts. . . Overflowing. . .
With gratitude,
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