These one hundred days of thanksgiving will lead right up to Christmas,
the true day of giving.
I smile because I now know that giving thanks is a gift itself.
When I give thanks to God I receive the greatest gift of all -
the gift of abundant life in the present moment.
Of course, y'all know by now that we have to start over at Day One because of my Margaret.
She insists that these one hundred days must be consecutive.
I suppose I really don't want to miss another day of the gifts from God.
And, anyway, she just came downstairs and saw me writing here
and hugged me and said she was proud of me. So, here we go again. . .
Day One - Gifts from God:
1. pretty, dear, funny Margaret who believes in me
2. a cool morning walk with the girls ( remember, Little Darlin' and Sweetie Pie)
3. talking with the Lord and not minding if people think I'm talking to myself (or the girls)
4. a phone call from the state board of education yesterday after we prayed
5. "totally benign"!!!
6. Victor sharing his Christmas verse with Robyn and praying with her on the phone
7. the Upper Room on the day of Kailey's surgery focusing on "someone facing a sudden medical need"
8. God's promise repeated: "Do not be afraid, for I am with you."
9. a slow Saturday morning with nothing on the schedule
10. the butterflies and bumblebees are back
Thank you, God, that truly You are with us in the most intimate and ordinary and remarkable ways.
With gratitude,
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