My soul collage
states plainly:
"Art Becomes You"
What drew me to those words?
What does that mean,
"Art Becomes You"?
"become" means:
to grow to be;
to change or develop into by growth
to befit;
to be right for
to happen to;
be the fate of
When I think of all this,
I think "Art Becomes You" means
"Art Brings Out the Best in You"
How will art become me today?
Maybe it starts by remembering:
"In the beginning God created."
(Genesis 1:1)
Thank You, God, that I know I am beloved by:
*early morning light turning cactus leaves light green
*the warmth of the fire on my leg
*fearing not
*Ben and the Breakfast Club
*a day at home
*Windflower Hollow
*Victor's waterfall dreams
*the privilege of listening
*Your presence
*possibilities coming to mind
With gratitude,