These almost bare branches
with bright bits of beauty
lifting themselves
high to the clear blue sky
remind me
of this quote
from Nouwen's
Life of the Beloved:
"Yes, there is that voice,
the voice that speaks
from above
and from within
and that whispers softly
or declares loudly:
'You are my Beloved,
on you my favor rests.'"
let's lift high our bare selves,
with our bright bits of beauty,
to God
and hear him call us
Thank You, God, that I know I am beloved by:
*the alleluia bells chiming the hour
*the stray dog at the door (he hasn't frozen)
*turning on a warm fire on a very cold morning
*working side by side with Victor by that fire
*hearing Margaret play the guitar and worship in the parlor
*beginning an extraordinary book
*camellias blooming beautifully in winter
*fresh spaghetti sauce
*putting our house in order
*sweet puppies lying by the hearth
With gratitude,
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