One morning last week
I stepped outside my door
just as the sky was lightening.
I looked up at the trees
freshly full of leaves
and I saw this
bare branched "Y"
reaching to the sky.
My heart cried, "Yes!",
though I wasn't sure why.
On the last day
I was asked the question
to which I had already
been given
that plain "Yes"
in my heart:
"Will you receive the mantle
of being formed
in the image of Christ
for the sake of others?"
And, with all that is within me
and inexpressible joy,
I answered "Yes!".
And today,
I say
Thank You, God, that I know I am beloved by:
*Victor's touch on my arm as I drift off to sleep
*the constant friendship of a friend like Sarah
*our Sarah's good report of beginning training at a new hospital
*seeing a bird I'd never seen before with a speckled breast
*Joseph gliding in on his skateboard with arms full of groceries
*adding new pages
*hearing that Bertha's not dead
*Ben's cell phone sermon notes
*sitting with Mema on her front porch in the late afternoon
*Margaret's very special coupon
With gratitude,
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