Friday, October 09, 2015


This spider has created a beautiful home
on my upstairs back porch
and reminded me that
creation requires patience.

Thank you, God, for:
*blue sky and sunshine following many days of gray
*the powerful stillness of a spider
*our Ukrainian men


Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Practical Gifts

a pretty pink journal

the lovely oil on canvas bookmark inside

practical gifts
to help me
practice my gifts


Thank you, God, for:
*thoughtful, giving friends
*more than enough blank pages
*the possibility of practice


Sunday, July 26, 2015

Inspiration Point

So thankful our friend insisted
on showing us
Inspiration Point.
I went back on my own
and was inspired again.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Does That Banner Yet Wave?

Early one July morning
I could plainly see
a pretty pink banner
waving across the
brightening blue sky.

And I remembered:
"The Lord My Banner".
God is the banner over me
going into each new day.
Another name for that banner
is Love.

Sunday, January 25, 2015


I saw majesty
as I was walking
and I stopped.

Thank you, God, for:
*girls laughing and talking into the wee hours
*boys building fires
*cats purring


Saturday, January 24, 2015


Thank you, God, for:
*eyes to see sustenance


Friday, January 23, 2015


"O Light of God . . .
Anointed by your morning light I lift my spirit to receive
the gift of this new day. Open my eyes to the beauty that
surrounds me that I may walk through this day with the kind
of awareness that calls forth grateful living. In all of creation
let me see the brightness of your face. Shine in my heart and
on my life, filling me with joy, creativity, hope, and laughter.
Draw me into the radiant glory of your presence and into the
small lights of those with whom I live and work. Inspire me
to take time for those who are discouraged. May I live with
the kind of presence that enables others to feel at home. Great
Dawn of God, hear my prayer."
(from Seven Sacred Pauses by Macrina Wiederkehr)

Thank you, God, for:
*Ben and Margaret sending photos to celebrate
*Sarah's great interview day
*plans to visit Andrew and Beth


Thursday, January 22, 2015

Banners Unfurled

very soon
pink banners unfurl
across the sky
behind the two dark trees reaching high

a pink paper note
slips under my door,
glued with strings of pretty banners,
and echos God
within my heart:

"your banner . . .
let it wave!"

I realize
God's banner over me
is love.

Thank you, God, for:
*creative encouragement among friends
*light coming through windows
*yoga prayer


Monday, January 19, 2015

Start . . . Finish

Start. . .

. . . Finish!
Ben and Joe rock and roll
(half marathon that is)!

Here at the start of 2015
I hope to follow
the example of
my youngest son
and my dad
and finish
some of things
I am starting.

I know it won't be easy.

Help me, God.

Thank you, God, for:
*Ben and Dad


Saturday, January 10, 2015

God Sees and Blesses

I see the moon
and the moon sees me.
The moon sees the one
I want to see.
God bless the moon
and God bless me.
And God bless
the one I love.

Thank you, God, for:
*Tybee time
*my dad



Sometimes it is so hard to listen.

Thank you, God, for:
*many bags of trash
*starting to simplify
*letting go


Thursday, January 08, 2015

Stay Warrm

It's mighty cold outside.
Stay warm, Journey-Journ, stay warm!

Thank you, God, for:
*our stray dog, Journey
*hot coffee


Wednesday, January 07, 2015


I consider this an invitation.

Thank you, God, for:
*time to just be
*making plans
*everyday duties


Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Tend Your Nest

I heard you say
"Tend your nest."
Now I am wondering

Thank you, God, for:
*the walking trail
*Sarah having a great first day
*JV beginning again


Monday, January 05, 2015

Another Star

I found another star for Epiphany.
This one is shining above
our town's nativity scene.
That's John Victor and Margaret in front of it.

I am so glad
that God
is leading us
and lighting our way.

Thank you, God, for:
*deadlines we can meet
*Thomas Merton's prayer
*giggling girls


Sunday, January 04, 2015

Epiphany Star

In the "Prayer Workshop
of the Jan/Feb edition of The Upper Room
Lindsay Gray writes about
her college chaplain
giving out Epiphany stars
each with a word written on one side.
One word.
One word to
guide and shape
a day,
a week,
or even a year.
What might God teach
through this one word?

This is the fourth year
God has given me one word.
2012's was rejoice.
2013's was wonder.
2014's was beloved.
2015's is listen.

Somehow over the last few months
I realized my word
for the coming year
is listen.

What might God teach me this year
through this one word?

Lindsay shares that
"An epiphany is a moment
when a person suddenly sees
or understands something
in a new or very clear way."
And she continues,
"Those Epiphany stars
invited us to look for
new understanding in our lives."

God, in this year of 2015,
may I look.
May I listen.

Thank you, God, for:
*the sound of steady rain on a Sunday afternoon
*seeing a star
*soup made with the Christmas ham bone


Saturday, January 03, 2015


God grant me
the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage
to change the things I can,
and the wisdom
to know the difference.

Thank you, God, for:
*an unexpected lunch with Sarah
*public radio
*waiting time


Friday, January 02, 2015


May we always grow.

Thank you, God, for:
*Margaret giving JV a new look
*chess games
*banana bread


Thursday, January 01, 2015

Happy New Year

Happy New Year!

And, I'm happy to be back.

Thank you, God, for:
*Margaret and music
*black-eyed peas and collard greens
*Nutcracker Sweet
