In the "Prayer Workshop
of the Jan/Feb edition of The Upper Room
Lindsay Gray writes about
her college chaplain
giving out Epiphany stars
each with a word written on one side.
One word.
One word to
guide and shape
a day,
a week,
or even a year.
What might God teach
through this one word?
This is the fourth year
God has given me one word.
2012's was rejoice.
2013's was wonder.
2014's was beloved.
2015's is listen.
Somehow over the last few months
I realized my word
for the coming year
is listen.
What might God teach me this year
through this one word?
Lindsay shares that
"An epiphany is a moment
when a person suddenly sees
or understands something
in a new or very clear way."
And she continues,
"Those Epiphany stars
invited us to look for
new understanding in our lives."
God, in this year of 2015,
may I look.
May I listen.
Thank you, God, for:
*the sound of steady rain on a Sunday afternoon
*seeing a star
*soup made with the Christmas ham bone
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