Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Best Gifts

It's almost midnight and tomorrow is a big day,
so this will be a quick, but true, post.

God is so faithful to help us accomplish that which concerns us
and He did that for me today in countless ways.

Day 33 - gifts from God:
1.  Victor
2.  Joseph
3.  Sarah
4.  Andrew
5.  John Victor
6.  Margaret
7.  Benjamin
8.  Little Darlin'
9.  Sweetie Pie
10.  Dante and Snowball

Day 33 note of thanks for the best gifts.

Thank you, God, for our household, our family.

With gratitude,

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Pray and Give Thanks

How good God is to give us just the encouragement we need every morning!

Daniel 6:10 was my devotional scripture today:
"Now when Daniel knew that the document was signed,
he entered his house
(now in his roof chamber he had windows open toward Jerusalem);
and he continued kneeling on his knees
three times a day,
and giving thanks before His God,
as he had been doing previously."

So, I'll keep praying and giving thanks before my God.

Day 32 - gifts from God:
1.  Andrew and Beth coming to soccer game in their East Georgia hoodies
2.  Passage from Daniel in Upper Room devotion
3.  praying for Made to Crave ladies
4.  time on knees
5.  Entertaining Angels Refuge
6.  cleansing
7.  friend's timing of job offer
8.  JV getting a hat trick when Andrew and Beth were there
9.  ladies from Telamon applauding God's goodness at lunch
10.  friend with big heart

Day 32 caring card of thanks to dear, weary friend.

With gratitude,

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Seems like everything I read these days is about gratitude.

Philippians 4:4-8

"Rejoice in the Lord always;
again I will say, rejoice!
Let your gentle spirit be known to all men.
The Lord is near.
Be anxious for nothing,
but in everything by prayer and supplication
with thanksgiving
let your requests be made known to God."

Day 31 - gifts to God
1.  encouraging ladies who came for lunch from Glennville
2.  roses for the tables from Joseph's coat of many colors climbing rose
3.  story of Jacob and Esau repeated last night and this morning in different sources
4.  Jane's childhood friend, Lynn, coming to the restaurant
5.  serving Tammy's sweet Aunt Elizabeth Sheffield
6.  hugs
7.  another opportunity to write
8.  Miss Rachel frying fish for Billy
9.  oatmeal with apples, cinnamon, pecans, and raisins
10.  Sherry stopping to visit with Sweetie Pie and Little Darlin

Day 31 note of thanks to dear friend I don't see very often.

With gratitude,

Monday, March 28, 2011

Now Do It!

Now is the time to pray!

"Rejoice always;
pray without ceasing;
in everything give thanks;
for this is God's will for you
in Christ Jesus."
               -I Thessalonians 5:16-18

"Devote yourselves to prayer,
keeping alert in it
with an attitude of thanksgiving."
              - Colossians 4:2

Now is the time to fast and pray!

From My Utmost:
"Are you debating whether to
take a step in faith in Jesus
or to wait until you can see how to do the thing yourself?
Obey Him with glad reckless joy. . .
Whatever He saith unto you, do it."

Now do it!

Thank you, Lord, for speaking so clearly.

Day 30 - gifts from God:
1.  two pink roses in a red glass vase
2.  clear call to fast and pray
3.  son taking time to talk
4.  son doing such a good job on the dishes
5.  daughter cleaning her room
6.  almonds
7.  babies
8.  speaking and hearing encouraging words
9.  "remember who you are"
10.  Jesus, who for the joy set before Him,  endured the cross

Day 30 note to friends in need.

With gratitude,

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Celebrate Life

Psalm 100

Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth.
Serve the Lord with gladness;
Come before Him with joyful singing.
Know that the Lord Himself is God;
It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves;
We are His people and the sheep of His pasture.
Enter His gates with thanksgiving
And His courts with praise.
Give thanks to Him, bless His name.
For the Lord is good;
His lovingkindness is everlasting
And His faithfulness to all generations.

This psalm came to life as our church family celebrated life
with a birthday party
 for the families of our Wesley Glen homes for mentally challenged adults.

Songs, hugs, dancing, cakes, chips and dip, fruit, punch, smiles, introductions, praise. . .

I'm so glad we were there.
We were blessed.

Day 29 - gifts from God:
1.  birthday party for Wesley Glen friends
2.  Bro. Barry playing guitar as strings popped right and left
3.  grapes and apple slices
4.  Donna getting down and remembering my name
5.  Tracy dancing and singing for joy
6.  Diane getting everyone to sing
7.  Jerry saying he might just like some more chips
8.  Richard encouraging the other Jerry to clap and sing
9.  Melody and Trina
10.  Dottie being there

Day 29 note of thanks to folks at Wesley Glen.

Grace, thanksgiving, joy.
Eucharisteo.  It's true.

With gratitude,

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Draw Near With Confidence

"Therefore let us
draw near with confidence
to the throne of grace,
so that we may receive mercy
and find grace
to help in time of need."  (Hebrews 4:16)

The reason we can draw near to the throne of grace with confidence

is that it is a throne of grace and mercy

and in our time of greatest need Jesus, the Son of God,

passed through the heavens

and came down to earth

to be tempted in all things

to be one of us

to sympathize with our weaknesses

to be our mercy and grace.

Therefore, let us not flee in fear

but rather, let us draw near with confidence

to Mercy, to Grace, to Jesus,

and be helped in our time of need.

Help us, dear Lord.

Day 28 - gifts from God:
1.  friend stopping by with unexpected grace
2.  a Saturday morning with no alarm
3.  Margaret's ankle feeling better
4.  catching up on laundry
5.  God watering the plants for Victor with a brief shower
6.  Victor grilling steaks and making a delicious salad for Margaret and me ("chew your food!")
7.  the lighted steeple and cross seen through our family room window
8.  making plans
9.  devotions on the porch accompanied by the praise of birds
10.  talking with a friend who loves You

Day 28 note of thanks to encouraging, kind friend.

Lord, thank you for being Love, Mercy, and Grace to me.

With gratitude,

Friday, March 25, 2011

What to Wear

What to wear if you want to be like Jesus:

"So as those who have been
chosen of God,
holy and beloved,

put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience;
bearing with one another,
and forgiving each other,
whoever has a complaint against anyone;
just as the Lord forgave you,
so also should you.
Beyond all these things
put on love,
which is the perfect bond of unity.

Let the peace of Christ rule in you hearts,
to which you were called in one body;

and be thankful."

(Colossians 3:12-15)

Put on the garment of gratitude!

Day 27 - gifts from God:
1.  time to write
2.  JV scoring a goal against Frederica
3.  Ben helping Vic work in yard
4.  Ben and Vic going out to dinner
5.  "Chew your food" kind of like "I love you"
6.  writing and remembering
7.  a friend like Jane
8.  ivy in window boxes
9.  celebrating Mary's birthday
10.  sweet friend's good doctor's report

Day 27 note of thanks to Jane.

I believe this garment of gratitude becomes me.

With gratitude,

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Fear or Focus?

Last night in my post I asked God to help me focus.

This morning the last sentence of The Upper Room devotion was:

"But as I depend more on God,
I can worry less
and remain focused on what's really important:
God's kingdom around me."

And the prayer was:

"Dear God of assurance,
train our spiritual eyes to focus on you and our mission in life,
for the growth of your kingdom."

And the prayer focus was:

"Those worrying about their livelihood."

Please Lord, help me to focus on You rather than on my fears.
Just knowing You care so much that you responded right away to my prayer request
makes me realize once again how faithful You are
and how you treat me with such lovingkindness.

Thank you, Lord!

Day 26 - gifts from God:
1.  praying with Victor in the gym
2.  God speaking straight to my concerns this morning in my devotions
3.  Miss Dottie coming to lunch
4.  our dear bank ladies
5.  celebrating Sister Janet's birthday
6.  Victor rounding up a nun statue
7.  sweet Diane sharing photos of daughter's 7 children (the 8th is due in May) and son's child
8.  the plant lady reminding Victor that he had a credit there
9.  the beautiful plants and ferns he brought home
10.  walking "the girls" (Little Darlin' and Sweetie Pie)

Day 26 note of thanks to gifted Bible study leader and friend.

I feel so much better now.  Eucharisteo!  Grace.  Thanksgiving.  Joy.

With gratitude,

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Employ the Gift

I Peter 4:9-10

 "Be hospitable to one another without complaint.
 As each one has received a special gift,
 employ it in serving one another as
 good stewards of the manifold
 grace of God."

I need your grace, O God, if I am to carry out this command.

Day 25 - gifts from God:
1.  friend from early youth/children's ministry days stopped by out of the blue with a quilt made by Victor's grandmother and programs from musicals I'd almost forgotten.
2.  the young people I've been privileged to encourage over the years
3.  Victor's "gift of gab"
4.  married friends who are obviously in love with each other
5.  apples and peanut butter
6.  the wonderful ministry team that is encouraging our children in their faith
7.  Ashley
8.  a husband who goes to the store for me at 9:00 p.m.
9.  Your promises, God
10.  that You are the Faithful One

Day 25 note of thanks to thoughtful friend.

Father, please help me to focus and fill me with Your power, strength, disciple, wisdom, and hope.
I have nothing on my own.

With gratitude,

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Encouraged Unexpectedly

Friends from long ago came unexpectedly to the restaurant for lunch today and blessed us with encouragement, empathy and hope.

Thank you for bringing them our way.

Day 24 - gifts from God:
1.  friends not seen since high school showing up unexpectedly at restaurant
2.  little girls dressing up to have lunch with their mama and her mama
3.  encouragement and hope offered by those who have travelled a similar road
4.  friend's offer of a hambone
5.  early morning time in God's word
6.  a dishwasher with a doctorate
7.  call from son who sounds OK
8.  funny puppies/aloof cats
9.  smelling wisteria Victor trained on trellis by back steps
10.  blueberries

Day 24 note of thanks to friends.

With gratitude,

Monday, March 21, 2011

Grateful Lover of God

I found the sin of ungratefulness in a Bible study passage today smack dab in the middle of a list of terrible characteristics that will accompany the end days.

2 Timothy 3:1-4 says:  "But realize this, that in the last days difficult times will come.  For men will be lovers of self, lovers of money, boastful, arrogant, revilers, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, irreconcilable, malicious gossips, without self-control, brutal, haters of good, treacherous, reckless, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God."

See, "ungrateful" is right is the middle of all those sinful, horrible characteristics.

I am becoming more and more thankful that God is waking me up to the importance of gratitude.

With all my heart, I want to be a lover of God, not of self, and gratitude is vital to loving God.

Day 23 - gifts from God:
1.  God getting me to go to Bible study anyway
2.  Bible teaching via DVD
3.  dear friend calling to get together - so good to hear her voice
4.  sharing thanks with friends
5.  the beauty of springtime
6.  Fran's dedication to church kitchen renovation
7.  Gala apples
8.  my pretty blue bowl
9.  using Grandmom's tablecloth for Bible study books
10.  openness and courage of "Made to Crave" ladies

Day 23 note of thanks to dedicated friend.

Forgive me, Lord, for being ungrateful.  I want to love You more.

With gratitude,

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Pray for One Another

Prayer is powerful.

When John Victor was choking and we were with him in the emergency room,  Victor sent word to Willis to pray (he was at home with back pain).  Willis prayed and sent word to Mary, Terry, and Jean (they were at an engagement party).  They stopped right then and there and joined hands and prayed for John Victor.
While they were praying, Terry got the word on her cell phone that John Victor had coughed up the meat and would be all right.

James 5:16 says ". . . pray for one another so that you may be healed.  The effective prayer of righteous man can accomplish much."

Thank you, Lord, for praying friends.

Day 22 - gifts from God:
1.  worshiping God with our congregation
2.  Billy and Barbara coming forward for prayer
3.  the ladies who signed up for "Made to Crave"
4.  Praying God's Word
5.  dogwood trees blooming
6.  spring green
7.  Victor's prayer partners praying and JV gets unchoked
8.  Sarah taking next steps
9.  cinnamon rolls on Sunday mornings
10.  Andrew seeing Gulf coast for first time

Day 22 note of thanks to ER staff.

With gratitude,

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Life is Fragile, Handle with Prayer

Life is fragile and precious and fleeting.

One minute we were sitting down to a celebratory meal following a day of soccer matches and the next thing we know we are rushing out the door to the emergency room.  John Victor choked on the first bite of his steak dinner and it was stuck in his throat.  Just before he is taken to surgery, he throws it up.  Thank you God.  Several hours later, we are home and he is sleeping soundly and he said he is planning to go to church in the morning.  I am so grateful.

Day 21 - gifts from God:
1.  John Victor is all right
2.  the gentle doctor
3.  the charge nurse who went ahead and started his IV medicine and talked to him about chemistry and soccer
4.  the male nurse who gave him the discharge order to "chew your food well" with a smile of relief
5.  the sound of a baby's first cry down the hall
6.  John Victor's keen interest in the medical procedures being performed on him
7.  my dad, the wise doctor, being with us for this emergency
8.  spending a Saturday with my dad watching my children play soccer
9.  shade that lasted just until the games were over
10.  the birds singing this morning (seems like days ago)

Day 21 note of thanks to my favorite doctor.

With gratitude and sweet relief,

Friday, March 18, 2011

The Stability of Our Times

"The Lord is exalted, for He dwells on high;
He has filled Zion with justice and righteousness.
And He will be the stability of your times,
a wealth of salvation and knowledge,
The fear of the Lord is his treasure."
                                      - Isaiah 33:5-6

Thank you, Lord, for being the stability of our times.
Right now we are in a waiting room.
We are living with uncertainty
and praying for patience and peace.
Yet, You are our stability; You are the stability of our times - all our times.
You are our wealth.
You are our treasure.

We are rich indeed.

Day 20 - gifts from God:
1.  Wendy shaking her pom-pom and cheering
2.  LeAnn giving me permission to serve her crab quiche on the April menu
3.  Margaret's beautiful kick
4.  a picnic table in the shade
5.  little girl pigtails
6.  full moon rising, glowing
7.  winning match in shoot-out after two 5 minute overtimes
8.  hugging JV
9.  Ben encouraging JV from sidelines
10.  grilled hamburger

Day 20 note of thanks to my baby.

With gratitude,

Thursday, March 17, 2011


"You will keep in perfect peace
                     him whose mind is steadfast,
                                          because he trusts in You."
                                                                       - Isaiah 26:3

We had a full house at the restaurant today with 3 large parties that had reservations at the same time.

Yet You were my peacekeeper, Lord.

Serving was a pleasure.

Thank you.

Day 19 - gifts from God:
1.  an absolutely gorgeous St. Patrick's Day
2.  Victor finding JV's game jersey in the napkin drawer
3.  sitting down with Sarah and Fran to visit after a full house
4.  finding a new kind of apple I love (I just can't remember it's name)
5.  writing on the porch
6.  Victor playing and singing for birthday girl
7.  guests taking pictures of their lunch and telling their friends on Facebook
8.  my little green desk lamp
9.  athletic director coming back in time to run the clock for the soccer game
10.  making Mama's chocolate cake

Day 19 note of thanks to new friend.

O, what a wonderful day!

With gratitude,

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Wondering, Listening

I give thanks for Entertaining Angels and wonder what is God's plan, His vision for this ministry He's given us.

This passage was part of my devotional reading last night and this morning - from different sources. 
Could it be God is telling me something?

2 Corinthians 9:12-15
"For the ministry of this service is not only fully supplying the needs of the saints, but is also overflowing through many thanksgivings to God.  Because of the proof given by this ministry, they will glorify God for your obedience to your confession of the gospel of Christ and for the liberality of your contribution to all, while they also, by prayer on your behalf, yearn for you because of the surpassing grace of God in you.
Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!"

Speak, Lord, your servant is listening.

Day 18 - gifts from God:
1.  sunlight shining through stained-glass window
2.  Chari singing in our choir
3.  Cookie dough ready to roll out
4.  Big box of Bible study books
5.  a plate full of chocolate cupcakes tied up with lace, instead of an empty plate returned
6.  provision instead of panic
7.  good news from the children on spring break
8.  trust, a steadfast mind, perfect peace (Isaiah 26:3)
9.  helping nice couple celebrate 44th wedding anniversary
10.  pink azaelias

Day 18 note of thanks to a very fine young man.

So much to be thankful for!

With gratitude,

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I Love Thee

Today is day 17 and my heart is overflowing with gratitude for the everlasting, everyday, lovingkindness of my dear Lord.

"Oh my God,
for providing senses to enjoy delights, 
for thy royal bounty providing my daily support,
for a full table and overflowing cup,
for appetite, taste, sweetness, 
for social joys of relatives and friends
for opportunities of spreading happiness around, 
for loved ones in the joys of heaven,
I love thee above the powers of language to express, 
For what thou art to thy creatures.  Amen."  
(17th-century Puritan meditation)
found in "Come to the Table:  Food, Fellowship and a Celebration of God's Bounty"
by Benita Long

Day 17 - gifts from God:
1.  to hear Victor play and sing for God alone
2.  soft pastel clouds floating at dusk
3.  the cross on the steeple across the street
4.  our front porch swing and rocking chairs
5.  deer tracks in the backyard
6.  wavy old window panes
7.  talking with Dad on the phone - hearing his voice
8.  a grandmother out for her birthday lunch with her darling 6 year old granddaughter & friend
9.  3 generations out for lunch together
10.  our dear librarian who encourages reading and simply encourages

Day 17 note of encouragement to fine friends going through tough trials.

My goodness, I am rich in love and life.

With gratitude,

Monday, March 14, 2011

Prep Day

Monday is our prep day for the restaurant.  I'm so thankful we realized we needed a day to prepare.  I do the big grocery shopping and some of the cooking and cleaning.  Victor works in the yard, clean, sets tables and decorates.

All of this is important and must be done, but the most important thing I get to do on prep day is Bible study and our Gathering of Gratitude.  By filling up on God's word and offering up thanks to Him, we prepare for whatever the week brings our way.

What a joy it is to feed on the Bread of Life before we begin to feed His sheep.

Jesus said:  "If you continue in My word,
                    then you are truly disciples of Mine;
                    and you will know the truth,
                    and the truth will make you free."
                                                - John 8:31-32

Day 16 - gifts from God:
1.  wisteria
2.  tenderly answered prayer
3.  a bracelet and a rainbow, signs (gifts) of God's love for a grieving mother
4.  gifted Bible teacher
5.  time to visit with a friend, and pray
6.  2 new scholarship opportunities
7.  and anticipated phone call
8.  chicken salad, pimiento cheese, and fresh fruit
9.  a friend who truly is noble
10.  a husband who loves me (and a dear daughter who loves me, too)

Day 16 note of thanks to friend who leads Bible study.

Thank you, Lord, for your word.  Thank you, Lord, for you.
"And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth."  John 1:14

With gratitude,

Sunday, March 13, 2011


O God, I have so many deep hurts and concerns that I really have no control over.  Longings that might very well go unmet unless they are met in You.

Open my eyes to Your lavish love.

Draw me in.  I need You, Lord.

Thank you for calling me to these 100 days,
and helping me to be faithful
and grateful

and full of You.

Day 15 - gifts from God:
1.  The Inheritance of Beauty by Nicole Seitz
2.  reminder to ask God to satisfy all my longings
3.  water
4.  direction to fast and pray
5.  worship service on the radio
6.  restaurant leftovers
7.  laundry
8.  Margaret bathing the girls ( our dogs)
9.  intimacy with God
10.  confirmation at Bible Study of need for rest

Day 15 note of thanks to Margaret.

With gratitude,

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Tonight I am just too tired to think.  I am weary of hopelessness and need help.  I don't know what to do, now that I've done all I've done.  So I am putting it in Your hands, Lord.  Because I am sure that You love me.

Day 14 - gifts from God:
1.  bluebird swooping across soccer field and landing on a goalpost.
2.  sitting in the sunshine
3.  Margaret's magnificent save
4.  Little Darlin being all right after her sort of seizure this morning
5.  almonds
6.  craisins
7.  a book to get lost in
8.  an hour browsing in the Christian bookstore
9.  tomorrow is Sunday
10.  our chairs were still there after a week

Day 14 note of thanks to our church secretary and friend.

Tomorrow, I hope to write in the morning.

With gratitude,

Friday, March 11, 2011

The Heavenly Vision

"The only way to be obedient to the heavenly vision is to give our utmost for God's highest, and this can only be done by continually and resolutely recalling the vision." - Oswald Chambers

O God, please help me recall the vision.  I thank you for this weekend and time.

Day 13 - gifts from God:
1.  Cinderella, a wonderful ballet
2.  clear, beautiful day
3.  starry night
4.  Friday evening deep breath
5.  Jean and Jordan at Cinderella
6.  napping in the car
7.  a call from our son
8.  Sarah looking up and sounding positive
9.  "I Could Have Danced All Night"
10.  Snowball, our fat yellow cat

Day 13 note of thanks to thoughtful neighbor sharing great cookbooks.

With gratitude,

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Journey to the Cross

Today our beautiful simple wooden Lenten wreath arrived at the front door.  I polished the round table in the parlor and set it up there. I placed a red candle in the second hole because today is the second day of Lent.  I chose red because of the blood He shed.  The light of the candle lit the solitary figure of Jesus carrying the cross.

At the end of the restaurant day I went to blow out the candle.  The red wax had dripped down onto Jesus and the cross.  Like blood.  Sorrow and love flow mingled down.

The journey to the cross is a mingling of sorrow and love.

Jesus chose to make that journey for me, for us.

His blood dripped down for me.

How can I make this journey to the cross for Him?

Day 12 - gifts from God:
1.  we made it through the "top chefs" tasting
2.  a reassuring hug from a friend who understands
3.  realizing - no more all black
4.  the light in Laura's eyes as she talks about You.
5.  a funny first trophy
6.  sitting down at my secretary at end of day
7.  our beautiful wooden Lenten wreath
8.  faithful, wise friend, Mary
9.  my magnificent orchid
10.  serving children cookies

Day 12 note of thanks to friends who understand.

With gratitude,

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Lent Begins

"Repent, and Believe the Gospel!"

Day 11 - gifts from God:
1.  practicing the Easter cantata and being revived
2.  a friend sharing a recipe and a hug
3.  brave couple present at church just after receiving a hard diagnosis
4.  our wonderful pastor's wife bringing life
5.  framed picture of our cat on his wicker chair throne
6.  dear boy from long ago youth group grown into fine man
7.  piano tuner calling on same day we noticed wax spilled on piano to offer free tuning
8.  group of retired nurse friends sharing pictures and lunch and love
9.  new friend with terrific Spanish accent
10.  Ash Wednesday service - time at altar - to be altered

Day 11 note of thanks for friend's gift of cherishing life though pictures.

On this Lenten journey, Lord, I want to repent and believe the gospel.  Please help my unbelief!

With gratitude,

Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Remember Daily

Today's prayer from "The Upper Room":

O Lord help us to

remember daily

your great love for us

and to proclaim it by our actions

for all to see.

Philippians 2:8  "He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death,
                            even death on a cross."

Philippians 2:5  "Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus."

Lord, daily, help me to be more like You.

Day 10 - gifts from God:
1.  our old Suburban full of middle school soccer boys
2.  old friends reuniting over lunch
3.  fragrance of pretty green candle
4.  JV scoring goal and playing well
5.  Margaret's hand is not broken
6.  early morning time with God
7.  my lovely cereal mug - gift from thoughtful Sarah
8.  a nice hot shower
9.  singing praise songs in the shower
10.  soft sock/slippers

Day 10 note of thanks to selfless friend.

Thank you, God, for friends that have this attitude which was also in Christ Jesus.

With gratitude,

Monday, March 07, 2011

We Overwhelmingly Conquer

Victor shows us - those of us at our "Gathering of Gratitude" - a video of a courageous man who has no arms or legs who teaches us how to get up when we fall down.  He keeps on trying and keeps on trying and keeps on trying until he is standing once again.

 He echos the words on the wall with my children's picture and names:  "Never, never, never give up!"

Above it all - the children's picture, each one's name, and "Never, never, never give up!" - hangs the key to the power that unlocks the courage.  Above it all is:  "My God is an Awesome God."

The verse from "My Utmost for His Highest" this morning sums it all up.  Romans 8:27 says, "But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through Him who loved us."

The devotion expressed it like this:
"The surf that distresses the ordinary swimmer produces in the surf-rider the super-joy of going clean through it.  Apply that to our own circumstances, these very things - tribulation, distress, persecution, produce in us the super-joy: they are not things to fight.  We are more than conquerors through Him in all these things, not in spite of them, but in the midst of them.  The saint never knows the joy of the Lord in spite of tribulation, but because of it - "I am exceedingly joyful in all our tribulation," says Paul.
Undaunted radiance is not built on anything passing, but on the love of God that nothing can alter.  The experiences of life, terrible or monotonous, are impotent to touch the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

This love that inspires such courage is the love displayed on the cross.

Day 9 - gifts from God:
1.  Gathering of Gratitude
2.  courageous man who doesn't give up
3.  friends bringing us pretty flowers
4.  one gift blessing over and over, multiplying
5.  hopeful answer to Sarah's inquiry
6.  Victor's love of rocking chairs
7.  Victor's love of cleaning, just call him "Mr. Clean"
8.  "Come unto Me, and I will give you rest." (Emily and Gwen in boots)
9.  Laura's heart for the Lord
10.  Cameron's baby boy, Cameron

Day 9 note of thanks for sharing gratitude.

Thank you, Lord, for Your Love.
 Love so amazing so divine demands my soul, my life, my all.

With gratitude,

Sunday, March 06, 2011

The Greatest Gifts

My youngest two children came home from their confirmation retreat this afternoon.  Yes, they had a good time.  I asked more questions and found out that Ben has outgrown his "Toy Story" sleeping bag and he talks in his sleep and they went to the pier and the food was scrumptious.

And Brother Barry said that if anyone wanted to commit his life to Jesus to talk to him. And, Ben said, I might have been the only one, but I did.

So, in a weekend filled with wins and losses, official rejection and private rededication, I will celebrate with those who celebrate and weep with those who weep.

We will remind ourselves that failure comes not in the losing or rejection, but in not trying at all.  There is great glory in giving it all we've got.

In the winning and the losing there are gifts.  It is the living that matters.  Ben knows the One that gives the life.  And he has given his life back to Him.  These are the greatest gifts.

"And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as the only begotten Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. . . For of His fullness we have all received grace upon grace!"
                                                                                                                       -John 1:14&16

Day 8 - gifts from God:
1.  no sand gnats here
2.  Ben talking with Bro. Barry - rededication!
3.  Sunday rest - time to catch my breath
4.  Bloom book club video discussion of 1000 Gifts
5.  out for dinner with Vic and JV - great steaks and great company
6.  friends sharing and laughing even though they are discouraged
7.  trusting in the midst of disappointment and waiting
8.  pictures from soccer tournament
9.  a new novel waiting to be read
10.  telling guests how Mama loved creamy potato soup

Day 8 note to a sweet, generous friend

Giving thanks for grace upon grace!

With gratitude,

Saturday, March 05, 2011

Treasure for the Taking

"The wonder of God is that every day you walk with Him is a treasure!" - Beth Moore

Today is Day 7 of my 100 Days and I feel like I have discovered treasure every day without even having to hunt for it.  Somehow, by simply making my list each day the treasure is there for the taking.  All I have to do is to receive each treasure with gratitude and I am suddenly rich in love, God's love.

The secret is to treasure the present.  God is revealing Himself in every moment.  If I will just notice and appreciate His gifts of love, I will see His glory.

Abundant, victorious life is found in giving thanks day by day, moment by moment.

Day 7 - gifts from God:
1.  drive time = prayer time
2.  finding just the right card for Sarah
3.  "bubble boy" who keeps me laughing
4.  John Victor's trophy:  a muddy jersey
5.  leftover pasta salad with basil-lemon dressing
6.  an umbrella in my pocketbook
7.  puppies so glad to see us come home
8.  our best dryer ever (a hand-me-down from friends)
9.  cell phones connecting us
10.  that the back-up plan might just be the best plan.  Trust God.

Day 7 Card for my canary.  Wish I could do more.

Lord, forgive me for undiscovered treasure and unopened gifts.  Thank you for a wonder of a week!

With gratitude,

Friday, March 04, 2011

Wake Up!

Yesterday I entitled my post "Pay Attention!"  Then, this morning's Bible study asked me to read Isaiah 51:1-16 and note each time God appears to be trying to get His reader's full attention.  God is definitely trying to get my attention.

The passage from Isaiah begins with "Listen to Me" and continues with Look, Look, Pay attention to Me, Give ear to Me, Lift up your eyes, Listen to Me, Awake, Awake, Awake. . .

. . . For I am the Lord your God.  You are My people.

Lord, thank you for reminding me who You are and whose I am.  Thank you for breaking through my busyness and business to help me be.  "Be still and know that I am God" is waking up to real life, abundant life, life worth living, the life You came to give Me.

The life You died to give me.

Please, Lord, forgive me for not paying attention.

Day 6 - gifts from God:
1.  A Friday evening with Saturday off
2.  the soccer team clapping for their fans
3.  our new pastor and his family
4.  Easter cookie cutters (a tulip and an egg) from a thoughtful friend
5.  God speaking to me so clearly through Bible study
6.  blankets in the burb for a cold March wind
7.  Margaret and Ben going on the confirmation retreat to Epworth-by-the-Sea
8.  a notecard with "Each one should use whatever gifts he has received to serve others." (I Peter 4:10)
9.  a one year old's rosy, pudgy cheeks
10.  JV's goal and assist

Day 6 note of thanks for inspiring examples.

Thank you, Lord, for getting my attention.

With gratitude,


Thursday, March 03, 2011

Pay Attention!

Seems like God is speaking this eye-opening truth about being thankful constantly these days.  Is He telling me to pay attention?

This morning's "Upper Room" devotion by William O. Paulsell drew on the story of Jesus and Lazarus in John 11:28-45.  He concluded with this:

"God acts constantly and mercifully in our lives, though often our insensitivity keeps us from seeing it.  Removing the "cloths" from our eyes requires paying close attention, looking for God's presence and action even when it seems as if nothing is happening.

We may ask and expect God to act in spectacular ways, but spiritual maturity sees God at work in the ordinary, the mundane, and the routine aspects of our lives.  When we can see that, we can experience the new life that Christ brings.

Prayer:  O God, forgive our accusations that you ignore us, and open our eyes to your presence and mercy.  May we help to unbind others so they see the new life you offer.  Amen

Thought for the Day:  Today, look for God's presence in every situation."

Do you see what I mean?  This list I am making of God's gifts is really about His presence.  His presents reflect His presence and reveal His love and His glory.  This counting of blessings awakens sensitivity and releases new, full, rich life.

Day 5 -gifts from God:
1.  amazing grace hand soap and lotion from my Aunt Marty (for Betty's amazing grace place)
2.  Andrew's "love you" and hug goodbye
3.  Lisa's unexpected tea party tip at just the right time
4.  Little Darlin', my sweet "recessive hair gene" Yorkie, resting in my lap
5.  birds singing praise at dawn
6.  power of choir practice
7.  dear 92 year old guest with his lovely wife, telling us a funny joke
8.  babysitting "Mr. Big", a small, fluffy, so soft Maltese puppy
9.  transporting a fresh revelation to my household, transporting God's glory
10. cheering our children on

Day 5 card with a verse to comfort in a time of trial.

Thank you, Lord, for this awakening, this paying attention, to your presence.

With gratitude,

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Personal Encouragement

God has wonderful way of personally encouraging His children.  This morning (on just day 4 of my 100 days!) He gave me this verse in my Bible study:

"Now go, write it on a tablet before them
 and inscribe it on a scroll,
 that it may serve in the time to come
as a witness forever."
                                   -Isaiah 30:8

My tablet is the pretty spiral notebook with just the right number of pages to record God's gifts for 100 days that I bought last week and now keep close.

My scroll is this wonderful laptop that my wonderful college senior daughter outgrew and handed down to her mom.

My prayer is that my words "may serve in the time to come as a witness forever" to God's deep tender loving care for us all.

Day 4 - Gifts from God
1.  a confirmation of this recording of God's gifts in my Bible study this morning (Isaiah 30:8)
2.  brilliant flash of a bluebird
3.  God's bounty:  bell peppers - orange and yellow and red and green
4.  having potato soup to send to sooth someone in her sickness
5.  sound of children swinging on playground
6.  a coach who loves soccer, loves his players, and loves the Lord
7.  spring green
8.  buds on dogwood trees
9.  seeing the beauty of our old house through the eyes of guests
10.  knowing right priorities

Day 4 note of thanks to one I don't thank often enough.

Giving thanks is life giving.  I feel like I'm coming alive.

With gratitude,

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

God-A Menu Planner?

Yesterday, the first gift I listed on my gratitude list was "God's help with the March menu."  Now it might seem silly or incredible that God would help me plan a menu, but He did, and it's a good one.

 I am learning that somehow our great and infinite God loves me so much that He involves Himself in the small and finite processes of my restaurant kitchen.  He leads me to reliable, tasty recipes, incorporates holidays and the changing seasons, and goes so far as to balance dishes that can be cooked the night before with those that work well in the morning prep time.

Our menu for Entertaining Angels is small because, well, it's just Victor and me most of the time.  We change it every month because that keeps it fresh and fun.  In the past, the first day of the new month's menu has, at times, been challenging, stressful, and even the cause of a major kitchen meltdown.

 But today, serving the new menu was a pleasure because I asked God to help me plan it.  And He did.

Day 3 - Gifts from God:
1.  two hawks soaring high above our backyard
2.  Ben scoring 3 goals (a "hat trick")
3.  new friends following God's call to come to the restaurant with a word from the Lord
4.  Irish lace cookies
5.  sun setting over soccer field
6.  sound of rain on copper porch roof
7.  making Mama's recipes
8.  our pastor and youth director coming to watch the kids play soccer
9.  a judge who serves as her church's hostess
10. a husband who prays with me

Day 3 - a card to encourage those who have encouraged us so

I keep getting this overflowing with God's love feeling.  Am I more open to the pouring in?

Our March Verse:  Psalm 136:1
"Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, For His lovingkindness is everlasting."

With gratitude,