Thursday, March 03, 2011

Pay Attention!

Seems like God is speaking this eye-opening truth about being thankful constantly these days.  Is He telling me to pay attention?

This morning's "Upper Room" devotion by William O. Paulsell drew on the story of Jesus and Lazarus in John 11:28-45.  He concluded with this:

"God acts constantly and mercifully in our lives, though often our insensitivity keeps us from seeing it.  Removing the "cloths" from our eyes requires paying close attention, looking for God's presence and action even when it seems as if nothing is happening.

We may ask and expect God to act in spectacular ways, but spiritual maturity sees God at work in the ordinary, the mundane, and the routine aspects of our lives.  When we can see that, we can experience the new life that Christ brings.

Prayer:  O God, forgive our accusations that you ignore us, and open our eyes to your presence and mercy.  May we help to unbind others so they see the new life you offer.  Amen

Thought for the Day:  Today, look for God's presence in every situation."

Do you see what I mean?  This list I am making of God's gifts is really about His presence.  His presents reflect His presence and reveal His love and His glory.  This counting of blessings awakens sensitivity and releases new, full, rich life.

Day 5 -gifts from God:
1.  amazing grace hand soap and lotion from my Aunt Marty (for Betty's amazing grace place)
2.  Andrew's "love you" and hug goodbye
3.  Lisa's unexpected tea party tip at just the right time
4.  Little Darlin', my sweet "recessive hair gene" Yorkie, resting in my lap
5.  birds singing praise at dawn
6.  power of choir practice
7.  dear 92 year old guest with his lovely wife, telling us a funny joke
8.  babysitting "Mr. Big", a small, fluffy, so soft Maltese puppy
9.  transporting a fresh revelation to my household, transporting God's glory
10. cheering our children on

Day 5 card with a verse to comfort in a time of trial.

Thank you, Lord, for this awakening, this paying attention, to your presence.

With gratitude,

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