I Peter 4:9-10
"Be hospitable to one another without complaint.
As each one has received a special gift,
employ it in serving one another as
good stewards of the manifold
grace of God."
I need your grace, O God, if I am to carry out this command.
Day 25 - gifts from God:
1. friend from early youth/children's ministry days stopped by out of the blue with a quilt made by Victor's grandmother and programs from musicals I'd almost forgotten.
2. the young people I've been privileged to encourage over the years
3. Victor's "gift of gab"
4. married friends who are obviously in love with each other
5. apples and peanut butter
6. the wonderful ministry team that is encouraging our children in their faith
7. Ashley
8. a husband who goes to the store for me at 9:00 p.m.
9. Your promises, God
10. that You are the Faithful One
Day 25 note of thanks to thoughtful friend.
Father, please help me to focus and fill me with Your power, strength, disciple, wisdom, and hope.
I have nothing on my own.
With gratitude,
Victor and Sally, I really enjoyed our visit yesterday, and look forward to enjoying lunch there really soon. Much love to you both....kay