Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Pray and Give Thanks

How good God is to give us just the encouragement we need every morning!

Daniel 6:10 was my devotional scripture today:
"Now when Daniel knew that the document was signed,
he entered his house
(now in his roof chamber he had windows open toward Jerusalem);
and he continued kneeling on his knees
three times a day,
and giving thanks before His God,
as he had been doing previously."

So, I'll keep praying and giving thanks before my God.

Day 32 - gifts from God:
1.  Andrew and Beth coming to soccer game in their East Georgia hoodies
2.  Passage from Daniel in Upper Room devotion
3.  praying for Made to Crave ladies
4.  time on knees
5.  Entertaining Angels Refuge
6.  cleansing
7.  friend's timing of job offer
8.  JV getting a hat trick when Andrew and Beth were there
9.  ladies from Telamon applauding God's goodness at lunch
10.  friend with big heart

Day 32 caring card of thanks to dear, weary friend.

With gratitude,

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