This dear daffodil bowed to welcome me
on my arrival at a new beginning.
Dear Kathy bows to welcome us
to worship at the Academy of Spiritual Formation.
Lately, many times, I have observed others bowing down
to honor the One True God.
And, I discover, there is blessing in bowing down.
Come let us worship and bow down!
Let us kneel before the Lord our God, our Maker!
"But the Lord,
who brought you up from the land of Egypt
with great power and with an outstretched arm,
Him you shall fear,
and to Him you shall bow yourselves down,
and to Him you shall sacrifice."
(2 Kings 17:36)
"For it is written,
"As I live, says the Lord,
every knee shall bow to Me,
and every tongue shall give praise to God."
(Romans 14:11)
Thank You, God, for these wonders of Your love:
833. Victor getting up before dawn to drive to Atlanta
834. his faithfulness to our family's good
835. how my journal complements my devotional
836. blues and greens and birds
837. that long ago prescription from Rev. Rush (Proverbs 3:5-6)
838. my pink coffee cup with "Believe" and a butterfly
839. time to read while waiting
840. following Fran on the day before her birthday
841. Joseph's one year chip
842. having a gift ready to give
843. watercolor notecards
844. a cross to hold on to
845. Margaret's fever subsiding
846. three pets keeping watch over a sick sleeping girl
847. running into Debbie and getting a good report
848. hearing Margaret practice her violin
With gratitude,
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