nest: the structure made or the place chosen
by birds for laying their eggs
and sheltering their young
nest: a cozy or snug place
in which to live or rest;
How wonderful to have a nest!
How wonderful to offer it to others!
Thank You, God, for these wonders of Your love:
705. walking to Elements holding hands
706. a table for two
707. how far we've come
708. blackened grouper
709. Victor's Valentines
710. sweaters for JV
711. a Georgia jacket for Ben
712. vases and flowers for Andrew and Joseph to give
713. "The Andy Griffith Game" for Margaret
714. a surprise for Sarah
715. a heart and a nest for me
716. the electric blanket heating up
717. Andrew doing laundry so well
718. Margaret baking and cleaning up the kitchen
719. Ben and Margaret braving the crowd together
720. Joseph making chocolate covered strawberries
With gratitude,
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