Jubilee. . . a time or occasion of rejoicing.
Last night was
a time of rejoicing,
a jubilee!
Twenty-two years of healing,
twenty-two years of becoming whole!
Glory to God!
Thank You, Gracious God, for these wonders of Your love:
817. a special day
818. wrapping a gift
819. writing a card
820. the joy of movement
821. improvement
822. Margaret's willingness to try
823. Ben smiling
824. J. Victor Wolfe's testimony, concise and true
825. an advisor for Joseph
826. Sarah's maturity
827. Andrew on the brink of possibilities
828. sharing riches with Jose
829. encouragement
830. seared sea bass and best steak yet
831. Margaret's text (thanks to Emily), "Happy Canciversary!"
832. Victor laughing
With gratitude,
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