of the season
on Valentine's Day.
And, O God,
You sent us a valentine!
You spread the sky
above the soccer field with
an unexpected afterglow!

You painted
a heart in the clouds!

You blazed glory
between the blaring lights!

Thanks be to You, O God!
And, Happy Valentine's Day!
Thank You, dear Lord, for these wonders of Your love:
721. lighting the fire in the dining room
722. finding the boxes of ski stuff right beside the attic door
723. a lone bird's dawn chirping
724. upstairs heat that works
725. sitting beside Daddy at the soccer games
726. enjoying an unexpected afterglow together
727. a heart in the clouds on Valentine's Day
728. chili dogs and hot chocolate
729. Margaret's bright yellow duct-taped soccer cleats
730. JV scoring two opening game goals
731. Ben standing tall as manager
732. beautiful flowers for the boys to give
733. David calling to surprise Margaret
734. cuddling under a comforter to keep warm
735. watching our boys play soccer with old friends
736. hopeful possibility
With gratitude,
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