Sunday, April 28, 2013

Wonders Away and At Home

Please forgive my unannounced absence.
I did not realize it would last over a month.

I have experienced wonders away:

And I have experienced wonders at home:

And, now, I am so glad to return to sharing the wonders here!

"I will give thanks to the Lord with all my heart;
I will tell of all Your wonders."
(Psalm 9:1)

Thank You, God, for these wonders of Your love:
1141. deep purple irises blooming year after year
1142. feeding the birds
1143. sweet golden honey from a grace girl
1144. lovely, clear voices singing praise
1145. tabletops and painted porches
1146. a crew of boys here to help on a Saturday
1147. the possibility of the pool
1148. grace in the mail just in time
1149. taking next steps
1150. Margaret getting her driver's license

With gratitude,