Monday, December 26, 2011


"We rejoice in the hope of the glory of God."
                                     (Romans 5:2)

Thank You, Lord, for:
*a good night's sleep
*Little Darlin's new harness collar working well on our walk
*a beautiful sunny day
*a long rainy gray Christmas day
*driving Joseph back to Savannah
*time alone to wander in a bookstore
*JV, M, and B packing up to go
*looking at New Year's cards
*looking back and looking forward

With gratitude,

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas

What is the gift I can give to You, Lord?

Be true.

Speak the truth in love.

Keep my commandments.

Love one another.

Please help me, Lord.

Thank You, Lord, for:
*early Christmas morning alone with You
*Christmas together
*giving and receiving
*Ben up first
*that I had gotten tickled too
*my dear Mama
*healthy children
*lighting the Christ candle
*Your Word
*gifts from the heart

With gratitude,

Saturday, December 24, 2011


Joy really is:

Joy to the world the Lord is come!

Thank You, Lord, for:
*early morning Christmas Eve shoppers greeting with "Merry Christmas"
*finding just the right things
*preparing the feasts
*welcoming friends--old and new
*a houseful of kids and pets
*Sarah's great ginger cookies
*Sarah and Ben going with me to Savannah
*JV and Margaret helping Vic here
*Margaret having supper ready when we got homes
*Vic's reminders of Mama

With gratitude,

Friday, December 23, 2011

Lord of Peace

"May the Lord of peace Himself continually grant you peace in every circumstance.
The Lord be with you all!"
                                             Thessalonians 3:16

Thank You, Lord, for:
*morning coffee at the table at Tybee with Dad
*devotions on the upstairs swing
*a long walk on the beach two days before Christmas
*meeting Dad on his morning run
*Victor's pain easing enough for him to sleep
*our annual Christmas girls' lunch
*JV and Ben leaving a note
*JV Christmas shopping for the first time
*wrapping elves

With gratitude,


"It is of the Lord's mercies
That we are not consumed,
because His compassions fail not.
They are new every morning:
great is thy faithfulness.
The Lord is my portion, saith my soul;
therefore I will HOPE IN HIM."
                         Lamentations 3:22-24

O God,
Help me to hope in You alone.

Thank You, Lord, for:
*Dr. Miles and his peaceful, lovely office
*similar stories:  Dr. Miles and Dad
*low country boil at Christmas
*Lee watching the pot and watching the sunset at the same time
*Margaret helping Victor shop
*Sarah and Ben doing my big grocery shopping
*making fudge for Dad
*Joseph calling and coming
*no place to park at the Nettles' house

With gratitude,

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Seeking Wisdom

James 1:5
"But if any of you lacks wisdom,
let him ask of God,
who gives to all generously
and without reproach,
and it will be given to him."

Without reproach!

Please forgive me, Lord, I'm in a predicament once again.
I need your wisdom.  Thank you for giving it generously
and without reproach.

Thank You, Lord, for:
*crab cakes
*Lolly's kindness and warmth
*Elizabeth on 37th
*wonderful ladies
*Katherine home from Spain
*Sarah home
*trusting You
*the dangling mirror fit back in its case and worked

With gratitude,

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Thy Tender Care

Thank You, Lord Jesus, for Thy tender care
and for being near me today.

Thank You, Lord, for:
*the locked-door trick
*headlights being easy to replace
*rejection being a computer malfunction
*Benjamin shopping with Mema
*Margaret shopping with me
*John Victor shopping with Sarah
*lots of elves
*an old-fashioned caroling party
*Andrew kindly helping me deliver Mema's car after delivering pizzas
*Alicia's sweet letter

With gratitude,

Monday, December 19, 2011

Stay Connected

". . . Let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds,
not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some,
but encouraging one another;
and all the more as you see the day drawing near."  (Hebrews 10:25)

One reason I love the holidays is that they
are a great opportunity to gather together with those we love
and to stay connected through a good visit
or even through a phone call wishing "A Merry Christmas"
or a Christmas card filled with precious pictures and warm words.

The days, months, and years slip by too fast.
How good it is to stay connected.

Thank You, Lord, for:
*timely blessings
*Little Darlin' in my lap
*Marty's Bella
*making Christmas plans to gather
*taping the Christmas cards around the kitchen door
*dear compassionate Ashley
*JV traveling to Atlanta with Vic
*Sarah and JV hanging out
*having wonderful elves to help me at Christmas
*a beautiful day

With gratitude,

Sunday, December 18, 2011

O Holy Night

"Truly He taught us to love one another.
His law is love and His gospel is peace."

Fall on your knees!
Christ is born!

Thank You, Lord, for:
*Dr. Talton calling so kindly
*our cantata
*Leanne being there
*hearing Victor sing "O Holy Night"
*candlelight "Silent Night"
*David's story about the little lost kitty cat
*Patsy's apple cake
*Christmas fudge
*feeling angels all around us
*Paula checking my boots and painting Dave's toenails red

With gratitude,

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Give and Be Blessed

"If you give, you will receive.
Your gift will return to you in full measure,
pressed down,
shaken together to make room for more,
and running over.
Whatever measure you use in giving--
large or small--
it will be used to measure
what is given back to you."  (Luke 6:38)

It is, truly, in the giving that we receive.

Thank You, Lord, for:
*Carolyn's coat of many colors
*getting our home ready to share
*all the stories, "God stories," that are part of our home
*Margaret and Ben helping host
*JV hiding out in the upper room
*kind visitors
*our camellias blooming
*going to Retro after the tour
*time to just sit and talk with Victor in the parlor

With gratitude,

Friday, December 16, 2011


Turn your eyes upon Jesus
Look full in His wonderful face
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
In the light of His glory and grace.

Thank You, Lord, for:
*caring sisters
*oragel swabs
*Victor coming home
*bridesmaids luncheons
*sweet grandmothers
*creative children
*children who can drive
*lap dogs

With gratitude,

Thursday, December 15, 2011

How Then Shall I Live?

Today I attended the funeral of an inspirational lady in our church.
She was only 53 years old.
I'm 51.

How am I living my life?
Am I living as if I'm ready to die?
What changes do I need to make now?
Before it's too late.

Thank You, Lord, for:
*things that make me stop and think
*a devotion this morning about hospitality
*"Surely the Presence of the Lord"
*the name of Jesus
*"I Can Only Imagine"
*down to earth preachers
*Sylvia sharing pictures and memorabilia from Miss Elizabeth
*Margaret and Benjamin decorating
*Andrew stopping by

With gratitude,

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

I Can Only Imagine

Seems like so many special people have passed away in recent days.
Their lives inspire me to live life better, fuller.
Their deaths make my heart long for heaven.
I can only imagine what it will be like.

Thank You, Lord, for:
*those times when the Spirit speaks so clearly
*Mema's good report from the eye doctor
*serving with Fran and Mary Alice
*Margaret finishing the Christmas tree
*JV moving all those tables and chairs
*naps (someday)
*Victor's example
*evergreen sprigs

With gratitude,

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

O Christmas Tree


When I stand back and look at our Christmas tree,
that's what I think.  Glory!

Thank You, Lord, for:
*Victor's grandmother's star on top
*Margaret figuring out how to put new lights in it
*helping us attach it to the very top
*bows, bows, bows, going back to the first year we were married
*Benjamin climbing the ladder safely
*Margaret making a bed for Snowball under the tree
*Snowball settling in and purring up a storm
*finding the Christmas card pictures in the bottom of a box of ornaments
*remembering special friends who gave us favorite ornaments
*seeing the lights shining through the windows

With gratitude,

Monday, December 12, 2011

Together For Good

"And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God,
to those who are called according to His purpose."  (Romans 8:28)

Today was one of those working together for good days.
And I'm so glad.

Thank You, Lord, for:
*the buzzard hitting Victor's car
*Victor not being hurt
*fresh greenery
*everyone helping get the Christmas tree up--finally
*that Christmas tree smell
*serving supper to my Dad on Mama's Christmas china
*Victor's gifts
*Joyce bringing Mema to Margaret's recital
*Daddy driving over to hear Margaret sing
*Margaret driving her Granddaddy and me home

With gratitude,

Sunday, December 11, 2011

No Golden Carriage

Margaret sang her Christmas solo this morning beautifully.
The words reminded me of all that
the King of Kings
gave up
when He came to be "God with us".

"No golden carriage,
no bright toy;
No snowy bunting
for one small boy;
No crimson roses,
no marble chair;
Only the starlight on shining hair.
No crystal palace,
no warm bed;
No downy pillow to grace your head;
Only the manger,
stars above;
Only the straw 'neath
the gift of love."

After the cantata, I went to a baby shower
for our pastor's wife, Erin, who is expecting
a baby boy in January.
The table was piled high with pretty presents.
What a joyous occasion it was.
We are thrilled to be having another little baby born to our church family.

Thinking back on Margaret's song and the shower,
I wonder what I will give the baby, the gift of love,
who is to be born again in our hearts this Christmas.

Thank You, Lord, for:
*Your gift of love
*the humble way You came to us
*the lovely music this morning
*warm greetings from friends in this sister congregation
*Advent being experienced in so many ways in so many places
*the blessing of hearing Margaret sing
*the annual youth progressive dinner
*the little one our church is expecting soon
*the young women hosting the shower
*these days of decorating and preparation

With gratitude,

Saturday, December 10, 2011


I've been rereading a wonderful Christmas book called "The Adventure of Christmas:  Helping Children Find Jesus in our  Holiday Traditions" by Lisa Whelchel that reveals the meaning behind so much that we do during the Christmas season.

The title has captured my imagination.  This year I feel like I am really on an adventure in these days leading up to the celebration of Christ's birth.  God has all sorts of exciting, miraculous, touching surprises just waiting for us to discover and notice during each ordinary day of this extraordinary season.
He's planned for us a true adventure.
Am I ready for the challenge of an adventure?
Will I follow the star?
Will I hear the angels proclaiming the good news?
Is my heart soft enough to feel the touch of His love?

"Adventure" means to engage in daring undertakings or to take a risk.
Will this Advent season be an adventure for me?

How about for you?

Thank You, Lord, for:
*Christmas books
*my precious family
*my precious Savior
*Mema's Christmas party for her dear line dancing sisters, the "Pacemakers"
*generous Joyce
*pretty Miss Mary
*hearing about Ann's exciting adventures at Rachel's House
*our Christmas Tour of Homes date and the dear ones who shared their homes
*having Margaret's french fries and Ben's burgers for supper--yum!

With gratitude,

Friday, December 09, 2011

Good News

"The angel said to them,
'Do not be afraid;
for behold,
I bring you good news
of great joy
which will be for all the people;
for today in the city of David
there has been born for you
a Savior,
who is Christ the Lord.'"

We do not have to be afraid.
That is truly good news.

Thank You, Lord, for:
*Ben's awesomeness (and his hair)
*Margaret's good Friday night idea
*the beautiful piano music at Elements
*making chicken salad for Mema
*sharing our story
*Victor coming home!
*the little nativity set he brought me
*tasting everyone's desserts
*finding the advent circle
*lighting candles

With gratitude,

Thursday, December 08, 2011

Missing the Point

I think somehow we are missing the point.
But I don't know what to do about it.

How can we be happy with what we have been given
when we are straining to list what we want and what we need?

I do believe we are missing the point.

Help us, Lord.

Thank You, Lord, for:
*our home
*clean kitchen cabinets
*time to clean
*brave young people standing alone and singing out
*a public school Christmas concert centered on Christ
*getting shivers hearing a beautiful song
*Victor having a good day
*Dad's faithful friends from supper club
*talking to Temp
*knowing You will point the way

With gratitude,

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Birthday Presents

Christmas is the birthday of our King.
King Jesus.
He told us in Matthew 25:
"The king will answer and say to them,
'Truly I say to you,
to the extent that you did it to one on these brothers of Mine,
even the least of them,
you did it to Me.'
'Truly I say to you,
to the extent that you did not do it to one of the least of these,
you did not do it to Me.'"

What am I doing for Jesus for His birthday?
How am I celebrating His birthday?
What will I give Him?

He gave me everything, His all.
Thank You, Lord.
Please show me, tell me, what You want for Your birthday.

Thank You, Lord, for:
*Snowball coming in from the cold
*Virginia's emails not being deleted
*cleaning and carols
*Victor working so hard for us
*his new job
*"making progress," as Mama would say
*Ben finding the tree stand as soon as I offered a monetary reward
*compassionate, listening friends like Paula
*laughing about past choir catastrophes
*Margaret, my Margaret

With gratitude,

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Angels Sing

Hark the herald angels sing
Glory to the newborn King!

Tonight we gathered at the museum
and were blessed by angels of all ages
singing glory.

The King is coming
and tonight we truly had a taste of His glory.

Thank You, Lord, for:
*Rebecca Smelser sharing her gift of music and encouraging others to do so as well
*hearing Margaret's voice blending with the others' so beautifully
*lovely decorations created from nature's bounty
*15 bean soup
*my dear husband who gives the most wonderful, generous gifts
*poinsettias on the front porch
*AC filters
*my newly repaired and cleaned ring
*not losing the diamond
*friends so willing to help

With gratitude,

Monday, December 05, 2011

A Second Wind

Here is a good word if you need a second wind about now:
"Do you not know?
Have you not heard?
The Everlasting God,
the Lord,
the Creator of the ends of the earth
Does not become weary or tired.
His understanding is inscrutable.
He gives strength to the weary,
And to him who lacks might
He increases power.
Though youths grow weary and tired,
And vigorous young men stumble badly,
Yet those who wait for the Lord
Will gain new strength;
They will mount up with wings like eagles,
They will run and not get tired,
They will walk and not become weary."
(Isaiah 40:28-31)

I am relying on You, Lord,
for a second wind.

Thanks for the reassurance.

Thank You, Lord, for:
*orange juice
*made from scratch spaghetti sauce
*the smell of onions and garlic sauteing in olive oil
*a good friend with a truck
*the smell of a fresh Christmas tree
*quiet night time sounds
*Christmas china and candlelight
*hope for tomorrow

With gratitude,

Sunday, December 04, 2011

Joy To The World

The children's Christmas program,
"God's Precious Gift,"
was a gift of joy.

Help me, Lord, receive and share Your precious gift
the way the children did--with joy!

Thank You, Lord, for:
*tinsel haloed angels
*brave little drummer boys
*painted beards that wash off
*Joseph's staff
*the darlin' donkey
*seeing old friends
*children singing their hearts out
*patient helpers
*Ben doing his part well

With gratitude,

Saturday, December 03, 2011

Pray Before You Pout

I was disappointed in someone's reaction.
I thought perhaps I had offended.
I wondered what was wrong.
But it was late
and we were tired,
so I decided to pray
and wait until the morning
and just go on to sleep.

When morning came,
bright and beautiful,
sun shining in,
it turned out that everything was
just fine.
Really good, in fact.

It's so true:
"But everyone must be quick to hear,
slow to speak and slow to anger;
for the anger of man does not achieve
the righteousness of God."
                         (James 1:19)
There you have it.

Thank You, Lord, for:
*closing my mouth
*being always there to hear my prayer
*generous friends treating Ben to an elegant Elements dinner
*sweet friends inviting Margaret over
*JV going bowling and coming home on time
*the children's Christmas musical practice
*walking a block to the Christmas parade
*candles reflecting in the mirrors on the mantles
*teenagers playing sardines and hide-and-go-seek
*coming home to a pot of chili

With gratitude,

Friday, December 02, 2011


A verse sent with "Merry Christmas!"
from a friend not seen in a long while
reminded me that trust brings peace.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him
and he will make straight your paths."
                        (Proverbs 3:5-6)

That's a true prescription for peace.

Come, Prince of Peace, into my heart and my home
as I trust You.

Thank You, Lord, for:
*Christmas cards
*a day at home alone
*praying for Your decorating direction
*December frost on our walk
*a soft warm scarf to wrap up in
*Old English lemon oil
*red and gold here and red and gold at Victor's hotel
*Victor's "icing on the cake":  meeting Sarah and Ross for supper
*good friends for my children
*making an early deposit

With gratitude,

Thursday, December 01, 2011

Joyously Giving Thanks

As I joyously give thanks for those I love,
this is my prayer for each one:

". . .  that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will
in all spiritual wisdom and understanding,
so that you will walk in a manner worthy of the Lord,
to please Him in all respects,
bearing fruit in every good work
and increasing in the knowledge of God;
strengthened with all power,
according to His glorious might,
for the attaining of all steadfastness and patience;
joyously giving thanks to the Father . . ."
                                     Colossians 1:9-12

This is also my prayer for myself, dear Lord.

Joyously giving thanks for:
*finding a book on our shelves that thoughtfully makes the case for the Creator
*rental cars
*my beautiful old "burb" (Suburban)
*pizza night
*Jane looking for the man in need in Walmart
*God's amazing provision
*Sarah's application on the way
*sweet Andrew checking in
*Joseph's clearness and coming home for Thanksgiving
*listening to Daddy's message again and that he enjoyed the Bonhoeffer book

With gratitude,

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I Found Jesus!

Today I went up and down the stairs
carrying the boxes--
boxes full of ornaments
and Christmas books
and bows
and, my favorite,
nativity sets.

Last year I left the one that Victor and the children had given me one Christmas
out until Valentine's Day because we just needed to see it a little bit longer.
We didn't pack it up very well.
I found the stable in 3 pieces
and a wise man lying on the attic floor alone.
Mary and Joseph were together but the manger was empty.
Then I found a box with carefully wrapped figures:
the other wise men were there
and the shepherd boy
and the donkey and the sheep.
After I had unwrapped each one and sifted through the tissue paper several times,
I realized
Baby Jesus was missing.
I swallowed hard and ran up two flights of stairs
and dragged the lamp as close to the attic door as its cord would allow
and took off the shade
and tilted it into the doorway
and knelt down.
Please, God, help me find Jesus.
My hands felt slowly over the insulation.
Then, behind a rafter, my fingers touched something small.
Yes. Jesus.
I was so afraid I had lost Him.
As I placed Him in the manger, in the midst of faces fixed on Him,
I knew that in each of us there is an empty place
that truly can only be filled
with Jesus.
Only Jesus.
I thought I had lost Him.
But, no, I found Jesus.
Thank You, God.

Thank You also, Lord, for:
*a nativity scene for every room
*built in exercise:  bringing boxes down the stairs and going back up again and again
*the last of the Thanksgiving turkey
*Mary Ellen giving me a ride to choir practice
*going to choir practice after so long
*sing about my Savior--worship on Wednesday night
*being next to Bikie
*new faces
*Gretchen's faith
*Victor working so hard for us

With gratitude,

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A Wonderful Day

I sang it in the shower once again:
"This is the day
This is the day
That the Lord has made
That the Lord has made!
I will rejoice
I will rejoice
and be glad in it
and be glad in it!"

Now that's a great way to start a day.
And it was a wonderful day after all.

Thank You, Lord, for:
*seeing our breath on a first cold morning
*coffee beans
*sweet puppy dogs that follow me everywhere
*big Snowball waiting for us in the sunshine on the porch
*playing Christmas music
*getting out Christmas decorations and being delighted all over again
*Margaret wanting to decorate her room with the snow globes
*Benjamin hugging Mema tight even though he is now taller than she is
*JV's and M's teams being league champs and JV getting the golden boot for his league

With gratitude,

Monday, November 28, 2011

Slow, Steady Rain

During this Advent season my prayer is for a




of the Spirit


my heart,

my home,

my life.

Lord, thank You for slowing me
and stilling me
in the midst of the preparations.
Please, rain on me slow and steady
until I'm ready.

Thank You, Lord, for:
*walking to the bank drive-thru with the girls
*sweet Dawn at the window
*seeing Mrs. Rachel in her pretty pink pajamas and wishing her a "Happy Birthday"
*appreciation of my household helpers (the dishwasher and the dryer) because we haven't always had them
*how handsome Victor looks in his suits
*having my coat cleaned
*Proverbs 31 magazine arriving in the mail with messages I needed today
*singing Mama's "Hymn of Promise" during the Chrismon service and letting the tears flow
*Little Darlin' lapping up the cat's milk (who knew?)
*time to prepare our home and my heart for the birthday of the King

With gratitude,

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Lord Prepare Me

On this first Sunday in Advent I know I am not ready.

I am not ready for Christ to come.

I am not prepared.

Oh, how I want to be ready.

I want to welcome You with open arms into my life.

A song from long ago comes to mind:

"Lord, prepare me
to be a sanctuary,
pure and holy,
tried and true.
With thanksgiving,
I'll be a living
for You."

Here is the prayer from The Upper Room Advent Worship Litany for today:

"God of mercy, receive our burdens.
We release these to create space in our hearts for You.
Thank You that You desire to make us Your sanctuary. Amen."

Lord, thank You for Advent, for time to prepare for Your coming.
Please help me to be ready.

Thank You, Lord, for:
*Paul lifting the children to place the Chrismons on the tree
*listening on the radio to our worship service
*Benjamin wanting to go to the Bethany Home to sing
*walking to church
*seeing the sliver of a moon peeping out between the clouds on the walk home
*hospice care
*Maddux folding his hands when his Daddy said "Let us pray."
*Looking up to the words on the screen to sing
*sitting with friends in church
*lighting the first advent candle

With gratitude,

Saturday, November 26, 2011

A New Day

I framed the painting Margaret did in art class
and hung it right beside my secretary.
It's of a field and trees and sky and plants.
The words below the tallest tree say:
"The Blue Sky is clear,
 Yesterday is forgotten,
 A new Day has come. . . . . "

Thanksgiving Day has come and gone,
but my Thanksgiving will go on
because I believe a new day has come to our family.

I read this morning from Ezra from a section in chapter 3 subtitled
"Temple Restoration Begun".
Verse 11 says:
"They sang,
 praising and giving thanks to the Lord, saying,
'for He is good,
for His lovingkindness is upon Israel forever.'
And all the people shouted with a great shout
when they praised the Lord because
the foundation of the Lord was laid."

Could it be?
Has our family's restoration begun?

Yes.  A new day has come!

Thank You, Lord, for:
*Margaret's creativity
*Joseph's nice friend
*Mema's pretty hairdo
*time to put away Thanksgiving decorations and dishes
*our new dryer helping me catch up on the laundry
*seeing dear Carolyn while on my walk
*school pictures smiling at me
*the cats being able to come inside
*Benjamin waking up before me ready to play soccer on a Saturday morning
*talking over good memories of this Thanksgiving with Vic

With gratitude,

Friday, November 25, 2011

Without Complaint

"Be hospitable to one another
without complaint."
                              -I Peter 4:9

Could it be that complaining cancels out hospitality?

What about quiet complaining, not even spoken out loud, just whispered--muttered--in my own heart?

Where does it come from, this urge to complain?

Does comparison create complaining?

Comparing and complaining blinds me to blessings and paralyzes hospitality.

Counting my blessings and giving thanks makes love overflow and hospitality happen.

Please, Lord, keep teaching me how to be hospitable.

Thank You for showing me how through those who have shown me hospitality.

Thank You, Lord, for:
*an achingly beautiful afterglow on the river
*so many, many bright stars
*my children growing up--for who they are
*roses from the yard to grace our tables
*the bounty of the table and the blessing of the relationships
*the miracle of love that covers a multitude of sins
*sisters and brothers and family
*sunshine and shells and a beach and a morning walk
*fresh cranberry sauce
*pies, glorious pies (with a good cup of coffee)

With gratitude,

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

"This I recall to my mind,
Therefore I have hope.
The Lord's lovingkindnesses indeed never cease,
For His compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.
The Lord is my portion,
says my soul,
Therefore I have hope in Him."
                                                  -Lamentations 3:21-24

This I have learned:
When I recall to my mind the Lord's
and faithfulness-
when I am thankful,
then I am happy.
Happy and Thanksgiving just go together.

Thank You, Lord, for:
1.  the freshness of each new day
2.  the wonder of this recently repaired computer
3.  everyone being home and around the table
4.  cooking with the kids
5.  the family kitchen and the "little" kitchen both going strong
6.  Victor's dedication to our family
7.  dear Jane calling when I was long overdue
8.  the hope of Your Word
9.  Sarah N. calling to express her thankfulness and to offer ongoing generosity
10.  fine friends

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

With gratitude,


Thursday, September 29, 2011

Sometimes Rest Seems Impossible

Jesus said, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened,
and I will give you rest."   (Matthew 11:28)

That's our September verse for the restaurant.

Sometimes with the restaurant rest seems impossible.
But when I go to Jesus, He does give me rest.

Thank you, Lord.

Day Thirteen - Gifts from God:
1.  a bit of coolness in the air
2.  Victor taking care of his mother
3.  a quiet day on the day of a doctor's appointment
4.  a hug from dear Mary Ann
5.  Andrew, Beth, and Baby stopping by and having a bite to eat
6.  Margaret driving with her big brother, Andrew
7.  Little Darlin' smiling at us
8.  Donald bringing an unexpected generous blessing
9.  napping on the sofa
10.  praying the verses on the restaurant kitchen walls out loud when I am beginning to panic (it helps!)

With gratitude,

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

What To Pay Attention To

The "Thought for the Day" from "The Upper Room" hits the nail on the head:

"Ultimately, our happiness depends on what we pay attention to."

Philippians 4:4-9 tells us what to pay attention to:
"Whatever is true,
whatever is noble,
whatever is right,
whatever is pure,
whatever is lovely,
whatever is admirable --
if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--
think about such things."

That's what we are doing here.

And it sure does make me happy.

Day Twelve - Gifts from God:
1.  one of Ben's soccer heroes got a hat trick yesterday - just like Ben
2.  Nancy Pat and friends came to the restaurant again
3.  Margaret got her Learner's Permit and drove home very capably (though excitedly!)
4.  seeing a delicate hummingbird come to the feeder that hangs from Mema's magnificent pecan tree
5.  Retha pulling up behind me and offering me a verse and her prayers and looking pretty in purple
6.  John Victor being patient
7.  Joseph sending Margaret a drawing and a letter in the mail for her birthday
8.  the laughingest going away party I've ever seen
9.  the "We Will Miss You" song
10.  friends having lunch together and talking and visiting and taking their time

With gratitude,

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Good Instead of Bad

Isaiah 61:3

". . . and provide for those who grieve in Zion
to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes,
the oil of gladness instead of mourning,
and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair.
They will be called oaks of righteousness,
a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor."

No matter what, God desires to resurrect
and bring new life, abundant life.

As a wise man noted in the restaurant today:
"Just goes to show you how God brings good from the bad."

He does and He is and I am so thankful.

Day Eleven - Gifts from God:
1.  a skyful of soft, cottony clouds
2.  a 3-generation ladies' lunch
3.  holding precious 6-month old Allie while her sweet mother ate lunch
4.  Victor's hamburgers and french fries, especially those french fries
5.  serving Sarah and Speck
6.  two elegant ladies - a daughter treating her mother to a birthday lunch
7.  walking and talking with Vic
8.  a spectacular sunset with a cloud like a tree
9.  several of Victor's fall decorations selling today
10.  teamwork in action - and Ben scored three goals!

With gratitude,

Monday, September 26, 2011

He Will Do It!

"Trust in the Lord and do good;
Dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness.
Delight yourself in the Lord;
And He will give you the desires of your heart.
Commit your way to the Lord,
Trust also in Him,
and He will do it."
                             - Psalm 37:3-5

We are trusting You, Lord.

And You are doing it!

Thank You!  Thank You!  Thank You!

Day Ten - Gifts from God:
1.  watching JV play hard on a pleasant Savannah evening
2.  visiting with good friend, Kim, after too long as our boys battled each other on the soccer field
3.  Daddy coming to the game and helping us celebrate Margaret
4.  Margaret's special relationship with her granddad, Joe
5.  the Lord providing, yet again
6.  staying up to finish "Three Weeks With My Brother", such a touching book by Nicholas Sparks
7.  the way our pastor Barry comes out of his office to say hello and really visit
8.  catching up with dear, wise Mary in the church office
9.  Mary's word to me about God leading in the desert with the cloud
10.  the cloud moving for us!

Bursting with gratitude,

Sunday, September 25, 2011

A Pearl

My daughter, Margaret, turned fifteen today.

Margaret's name means "a pearl".

Margaret's name fits her perfectly.

She is beautiful and she is precious.

I have always been especially thankful for Margaret.

Her verse is:
"Blessed be the Lord,
who daily loadeth us with benefits,
even the God of our salvation."
(Psalm 68:19)

Thank you, Lord, for Margaret.

Day Nine - Gifts from God:
1.  the way she raised her little eyebrow right after she was born
2.  her kindness and compassion
3.  the way she looks at you with those big brown eyes
4.  her laugh
5.  the way she chooses to enjoy life
6.  her full-out amazing soccer ability
7.  the way she can belt out a song beautifully from somewhere deep inside her
8.  that she wasn't in her bed when her door fell in and the window broke
9.  that she laughed and took a picture of it
10.  that she brings out the best in us all

I love you Margaret!
Happy Birthday!

With gratitude,

Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Way

From "The Upper Room" prayer workshop for Sept/Oct:

"In Christ, God shows us that even when it seems that evil has triumphed,
God has a way to bring renewed life."

Help us, Lord, not to give up, but to remember:
You have a way.
You are the Way,
the Truth,
the Life.

Day Eight - Gifts from God:
1.  umbrellas for the rain and the sun
2.  the breathing room of a Saturday
3.  Victor cleaning up the kitchen so I could sit a little longer on the porch
4.  staying up late to finish a good book
5.  remembering early inspiration
6.  my sister's voice on the answering machine
7.  catching up with a friend
8.  learning about art and alzheimer's
9.  the possibility of a solution
10.  new ideas

With gratitude,

Friday, September 23, 2011

Sitting with the Lord

My last post, "Lessons", was written on Thursday, but I didn't have computer access then
and we got home after midnight, so I posted it today.

I hope that still counts for consecutive days.

Now, here is today's post:

Yesterday I had a lot of time to think and to pray.
Time to think and to pray is a tremendous gift to me.
Sitting in that porch swing
out in front of the building that houses the education department
I felt like I was sitting in that swing with the Lord.
And He was quietly speaking those wonderful words:
"Be still and know.  Know that I am God, and I am here, and I love you."

You can sit with Him too.  And our dear Lord will tell you too.
I love you.
Perhaps you'll be able to find some time to think and to pray and to know.
Real soon.

Day Seven - Gifts from God:
1. a bright yellow sunflower on the utility pole
2.  our state capitol's stunning gold dome
3.  my faithful denim jacket
4.  a lady's ruby slipper shoes shining in the midst of conservative black
5.  the immense relief of a job well done
6.  Victor realizing he really wouldn't have changed a thing
7.  laughter to lighten an afternoon on the eighteenth floor
8.  supper with beautiful Sarah and lovable Ross at our favorite, "The Last Resort"
9.  climbing the stairs to Sarah's apartment and realizing how hard Ben and Margaret and Victor had worked to move her in
10.  crazy kitty

With gratitude,


Lessons from Wednesday Night Bible Study (I Samuel 1):
* listen to hear a word from the Lord
* prayer is powerful
* give the gifts back to God
* sometimes our following God can be misunderstood
* release our concerns into God's care and trust Him

Day Six - Gifts from God:
1.  porch swings outside the Department of Education
2.  an encouraging scripture on peace texted by Joyce to Victor
3.  the kind parking attendant who allowed us to bring him back the $5.00 cash
4.  an ATM in the same building as Victor's interview
5.  a cafeteria in that same building with a salad bar and a Chik-fil-a
6.  Andrew's "good luck" text
7.  Sarah's "thinking of you" call
8.  a cleaned-out Suburban thanks to Margaret and Ben
9.  Willis picking up Ben from school
10.  Mrs. Wolfe calling to warn us about the weather

With gratitude,

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


"The whole human race was created to glorify God and enjoy Him forever."
(from today's devotion in My Utmost for His Highest)

That means us.  

We were created to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.

Isn't that wonderful?

That's why He works all things together for good - the terrific and the terrible -
it's for His glory.

When God is glorified, we are drawn to Him.

When God is glorified, we see Him for Who He Is.

God is Love.

When God is glorified, we know He is Love,  we know He loves us.

Then we enjoy Him now, in this moment, and forever.

So this is our purpose, the reason we were created:
to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.

The devotion ends with a warning:

"Beware lest you forget God's purpose for your life."

I needed to hear this warning today.

Because sometimes, often, I forget.

Day Five - Gifts from God:
1.  Jane leaving a message that the church she visited Sunday opened the service with the theme song from "Cheers"
2.  Being a part of a church family where everyone does know my name and I do belong
3.  So many friends staying after Bible study to hear Victor practice his presentation
4.  avocados and roma tomatoes and balsamic vinaigrette dressing
5.  celebrating dear Kay's birthday with a table full of friends and family
6.  neighbors and friends who celebrate life together
7.  our encouraging, joyful pastor
8.  suddenly Benjamin is taller than I am
9.  Victor's race car cookies and ribbon
10.  Sarah helping Victor with his powerpoint presentation

With gratitude,

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

New Every Morning

Lord, Your mercies are new every morning.

Day Four - Gifts from God:
1.  family members of friends that two of our children were named for both came to the restaurant today
2.  a computer expert friend from church generously helping Victor with his presentation
3.  folks asking about Daddy
4.  the dogwood leaves just beginning to turn
5.  Margaret's first voice lesson
6.  our home phone works now - thanks to a new battery - so simple!
7.  a little bit of rain
8.  reading inspiring words on the computer
9.  a woman encouraging others and choosing joy even as she is painfully dying
10.  colorful sneakers

With gratitude,

Monday, September 19, 2011

To Live Again

Yesterday I asked the Lord to revive me.  Please.

"Revive" means:
1.  to come or bring back to life or consciousness; resuscitate
2.  to come or bring back to a healthy, vigorous, or flourishing condition after a decline
3.  to come or bring back into use or attention
4.  to become or make valid, effective, or operative again
5.  to come or bring to mind again
6.  to produce or exhibit again after an interval

and it comes from:
re-, again + vivere, to live

Don't you just love those meanings?

The great thing is this:  I asked Him to revive me and He already is!

Jesus said (in Matthew 21:22) "And all things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive."

Thank you, Lord.

Day Three - Gifts from God:
1.  the coffee grinder Mema gave me
2.  freshly ground coffee first thing in the morning
3.  a good, long hug from my husband
4.  JV's calmness
5.  recalling benefits while we walk
6.  money for groceries
7.  remembering to ask the Lord
8.  pretty butterflies all around
9.  sunlight on breeze-blown green leaves
10.  Monday morning

With gratitude,

Sunday, September 18, 2011

You Will Revive Me

"Though I walk in the midst of trouble,
You will revive me."
                                   (Psalm 138:7)

Lord, I'm counting on it.

Day Two - Gifts from God:
1.  a computer
2.  good leftovers to share
3.  listening on the radio to our church service
4.  David doing Moments with the Children
5.  an empty laundry basket
6.  the feel of my Bible
7.  reading of someone else meditating on The Upper Room every morning
8.  God holding on to me when I am slipping
9.  cool air
10.  rereading a book that inspired me as a girl

Please revive me, dear Lord.

With gratitude,

Saturday, September 17, 2011

100 Consecutive Days

These one hundred days of thanksgiving will lead right up to Christmas,
the true day of giving.

I smile because I now know that giving thanks is a gift itself.

When I give thanks to God I receive the greatest gift of all -
the gift of abundant life in the present moment.

Of course, y'all know by now that we have to start over at Day One because of my Margaret.

She insists that these one hundred days must be consecutive.

I suppose I really don't want to miss another day of the gifts from God.

And, anyway, she just came downstairs and saw me writing here
and hugged me and said she was proud of me.  So, here we go again. . .

Day One - Gifts from God:
1.  pretty, dear, funny Margaret who believes in me
2.  a cool morning walk with the girls ( remember, Little Darlin' and Sweetie Pie)
3.  talking with the Lord and not minding if people think I'm talking to myself (or the girls)
4.  a phone call from the state board of education yesterday after we prayed
5.  "totally benign"!!!
6.  Victor sharing his Christmas verse with Robyn and praying with her on the phone
7.  the Upper Room on the day of Kailey's surgery focusing on "someone facing a sudden medical need"
8.  God's promise repeated:  "Do not be afraid, for I am with you."
9.  a slow Saturday morning with nothing on the schedule
10.  the butterflies and bumblebees are back

Thank you, God, that truly You are with us in the most intimate and ordinary and remarkable ways.

With gratitude,

Thursday, September 01, 2011

Very Dear

I Thessalonians 2:8

"Having so fond an affection for you,
we were well-pleased to impart to you
not only the gospel
but also our lives,
because you had become very dear to us."

As I write here,
I hope to impart to you
the gospel - God's good news -
and my life - graced by God -
because you have become very dear to me
and God has given me so fond an affection for you.

God loves you dearly.
Remember that.
Realize that.

Gifts from God:
21.  September
22.  sauteed mushrooms and sweet onions
23.  giving bits of bacon to my girls (Little Darlin' and Sweetie Pie)
24.  a sweet boy, now a fine young man
25.  Victor's retirement check; so many years of meaningful work
26.  grace filled work for us (God's idea)
27.  angels and flowers for every table
28.  a daughter treating her mother to lunch and encouraging us so
29.  the release of Emily's book, Grace for the Good Girl
30.  finding a sweet note from JV on my secretary this morning

With gratitude,

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Babies and Gardens

Babies and gardens help us to slow down,
to be still,
to be filled with wonder,
and to know that God is God.

"Be still and know that I am God." (Psalm 46:10)

Thank you, Lord, for helping me to know.

Gifts from God:
11.  beauty of a baby's face, and fingers, and feet
12.  cradling her in my arms and calming her so her mother could enjoy lunch
13.  feeling again the enormous blessing of life
14.  my sweet husband making lovely flower arrangements in teapots for a friend's luncheon
15.  this dear friend's vibrant gift for encouraging and cultivating beauty
16.  the angelic manner of her caretaker, Angie
17.  remembering them having lunch with us here last December
18.  Sarah calling to contemplate sky-diving
19.  Benjamin feeling better soon
20.  the beginning of the praise band

With gratitude,

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Take Delight

Psalm 37:4

"Delight yourself in the Lord;
and He will give you the desires of your heart."

I received a note today from a friend
that reminded me how good it is
to take delight in the little things.

I think that when we take delight in the little things
we are really delighting ourselves in the Lord.

And, somehow, it is when we take delight,
in the little things and in the Lord,
that we receive the gifts our hearts desire.

God gives the gifts all along.
He gives the little things and the huge things.
But it is up to us to take delight,
to realize,
to thank Him,
and to receive our hearts' desires.

God knew I needed to be reminded today
how good it is to take delight in the little things.

I'm grateful for this friend that reminded me.

Gifts from God:
1.  pretty purple peacock card with a message written in purple ink
2.  entertaining mother-daughter angels, Ann and Tracy, who lift our spirits
3.  providing refreshment during the lunch hour
4.  Margaret thinking I'm funny
5.  remembering how Mama made me laugh
6.  Sarah and Joe, a magnificent marriage
7.  beautiful Beth's birthday
8.  chills, when touched by the Spirit
9.  thinking of my brother playing and singing a song for my mother
10.  big trucks that take our trash away every Wednesday and the fellows that drive them

With gratitude,

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Psalm 118:6,19

"In my distress I called upon the Lord,
and cried to my God for help;

He rescued me,
because He delighted in me."

Over and over my God has rescued me.

It is amazing to think, really almost unbelievable, that the Lord delights in me.

But He does.

He has shown me every day in countless ways that He delights in me.

So, once again, I am in distress.

And, once again, I am crying to my God for help.

And deep down inside I know that, once again, He will rescue me.

Because, truly, He delights in me.

That is amazing grace.  Over and over.

Gifts from God:
11.  my Lord and my God who delights to rescue
12.  making tomato sweet onion pies
13.  "like mother, like daughter"
14.  Joseph's good first day on his new job
15.  the truth and hope of "Love Lifted Me"
16.  tuition graciously provided
17.  hearing the compassion in Sarah's voice
18.  looking forward to a date with Vic
19.  sweet Mrs. Sampley bringing lemon cookies with the recipe
20.  she looked so pretty in her blue floral blouse and angel necklace

Thank you Lord for the gift of giving thanks.

With gratitude,

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


"Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving!"
                                                               -Psalm 95:2

Giving thanks to God draws us close to His goodness and grace.

Giving thanks to God opens our eyes to His light and His love.

Let's give thanks to God today.

Gifts from God:
1.  early morning hours with the Lord
2.  writing here again after more than a month
3.  Taylor's kind encouragement to keep writing
4.  freshly bathed dogs
5.  getting lost in a good story
6.  a grieving mother's sacrifice of praise
7.  the healing power of friendship
8.  three generations of men out to lunch together
9.  singing in the shower
10.  fresh fruit

Friends, thank you for being with me here.
I am glad to be back.

With gratitude,

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

God Is Able

Our verse for today:

"God is able to provide you with every blessing
in abundance,
so that by always having enough of everything,
you may share abundantly in every good work."
                                      - 2 Corinthians 9:8

We need to remember today that God is able.

Day 39 - gifts from God:
1.  a cheerful and caring pastor
2.  friends with great laughs
3.  JV's suitcase weighing in at 28 pounds
4.  JV's handsome passport picture
5.  time to talk with Vic on the drive
6.  praying for my husband
7.  a husband willing to take a risk for God and the good of his family
8.  always welcoming friend
9.  wonderful children who care
10.  the sound of our dishwasher washing

With gratitude,

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Something New

From "A Holy Experience" today:

Isaiah 43:19
" For I am about to do something new.
See, I have already begun!
Do you not see it?
I will make a pathway through the wilderness.
I will create rivers in the dry wasteland."

Lord, I know you are doing something new.
I'm just not sure which something new it is.
Help us to see it.
Thank you for the pathway.
Thank you for the rivers.

Day 38 - gifts from God:
1.  children who pitch right in
2.  Margaret's hand on my back
3.  wearing a funny, pretty hat
4.  plenty of vegetables from our little garden
5.  surprised by a visit from our dear friends finally home
6.  beautiful, sweet smelling roses on the tables
7.  birthday ladies celebrating each other
8.  the princess table and Cathy finding me in the kitchen
9.  our company ladies coming again
10.  Vic fixing a steak send-off dinner for John Victor

With gratitude,

Monday, July 18, 2011

Make a Difference

From Upper Room devotion:

"Yes, our efforts may be small, but that does not mean they are insignificant.
God can use even the most ordinary people and actions to make a difference in someone's life."

"Prayer: God of all being, thank you for the small joys and surprises of each day.
Help us to be aware of you in the little and big moments of life.
Help us to let our light shine for you. Amen."

Everyday You give us opportunities to make a difference, Lord.
Open my eyes and help me to see all the opportunities around me each day.
Help me not to miss an opportunity to make a difference for You.

Day 37 - gifts from God:
1.  early morning light on the porch
2.  roses: yellow, red, light pink, dark pink
3.  nail polish the color of pink crepe myrtle blossoms
4.  Stephanie working me in on a Friday afternoon
5.  Miss Rachel calling me in to give me vine ripe tomatoes
6.  being missed at church
7.  listening to Margaret
8.  receiving encouraging pretty thank you note from our Sarah
9.  sweet strawberries
10.  praying with Benjamin

With gratitude,

Sunday, July 17, 2011


What if our heartbreaks, our dark days, our mistakes,
are really blessings in disguise?

Day 36 - gifts from God:
1.  two girls grown up into lovely young ladies singing "Blessings"
2.  finishing the puzzle
3.  watching the soccer final with Ben and Margaret at Zaxby's
4.  Victor's thin and crispy delicious potato chips
5.  colorful children's dresses hanging across sanctuary
6.  praying for John Victor and mission team
7.  Victor getting to service in time to pray
8.  Almost all of Karen's crosses being taken at service for donations
9.  vine ripe tomatoes
10.  pretty handmade red bird pillow

With gratitude,

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Divine Control

The verse for today from "My Utmost For His Highest" is Matthew 7:11:

"How much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things
to them that ask Him?"

When the circumstances in our lives are out of our control it is so important
to remember that our lives are in God's control.

And God wants to give us good things.

We only need to ask and to trust Him.

Day 35 - gifts from God:
1.  a day with nothing pressing
2.  sitting out in the swing with a dog on either side
3.  a cool breeze
4.  roses blooming again
5.  sitting round the supper table talking and talking (and talking with Margaret)
6.  possibilities
7.  Ben's excitement over his new soccer cleats
8.  a hug from John Victor
9.  a phone call from dear cousin Miller who's taking Sarah to brunch
10.  invitation to a very special dinner

With gratitude,

Friday, July 15, 2011

Trustworthy God

God has a plan for our lives.
God wants the best for us.
When we don't understand.
When we don't know what to do.
When we don't know what comes next.
We choose to trust God.

Because God is worthy of trust.

"My thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways," declares the Lord.
                                                     (Isaiah 55:8)

Day 33 - gifts from God:
1.  working with my hands
2.  Victor's yogurt swirl and surprise in the soup
3.  my brother Lee coming to the restaurant
4.  Ben having lunch with Lee, but both pitching in during unexpected lunch rush
5.  hugs from dear, faithful restaurant friends and their smiling faces on envelope
6.  three generation birthday celebration with especially lovely ladies
7.  another visit from Chicken-of-the-Sea folks from here and there
8.  encouraging Miss Kay
9.  the sweet spa ladies
10.  Margaret and John Victor coming home from mission to homeless

With gratitude,

Without Complaint

This passage from I Peter speaks to my heart right now.

"Above all, keep fervent in your love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins.

Be hospitable to one another without complaint.

As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another
as good stewards of the manifold grace of God."

                                                                      (I Peter 4:8-10)

We all need to be covered in love.
True hospitality is without complaint.
We have received so many special gifts to put to work serving one another.

All this--the manifold grace of God.

Day 33 - gifts from God:
1.  mother with daughter home for a visit from Hawaii and Japan coming to lunch
2.  miracle flea pills
3.  tiny star cookies with red sprinkles
4.  banana blueberry smoothie
5.  low country boil in blue dish
6.  hearing compliments about Benjamin
7.  Miss Rachel missing us
8.  timely radio programs speaking straight to my needs
9.  pink crepe myrtle blossoms outside restaurant kitchen window
10.  lady with Monroeville roots coming to lunch

With gratitude,

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

But With God

Jesus said to His disciples (and He is saying it to us today):
"With people this is impossible,
but with God
all things are possible."

I need this encouragement from "The Upper Room" today:
Thought for the Day:  God makes the impossible possible.
Prayer:  Dear Lord, strengthen our trust in your power to help us work for you,
even when we feel overwhelmed.  Amen.

Day 32 - gifts from God:
1.  Rebekah bringing us a beautiful book of pictures from her wedding reception
2.  her sweet spirit
3.  hearing that Bobby and Betty are home
4.  serving a doctor and her nurses in their scrubs
5.  friends celebrating birthdays
6.  catching up with special friends after "long time no see"
7.  finally getting down to business
8.  blue glass dishes
9.  compassion in Margaret's voice as she tells about mission to homeless
10.  finishing a good book too late

With gratitude,

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Entertaining Angels

  Our restaurant, our work, is based on Hebrews 13:2:

"Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers,
for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it."

I realized today that it is in the showing hospitality,
in the entertaining angels, that we are blessed.
God speaks to us and cares for us, encourages and loves us
through the ones we serve.

Several of these angels had lunch with us today
and graced us with the goodness of God.

Thank you, Lord, for this wonderful work you've given us
and for the angels you send our way.

Day 31 - gifts from God:
1.  finding out that our friend Faith was one of Daddy's ER nurses when the snake bit him
2.  dear Anne bringing me gifts:  sweet smelling pancake mix from Texas,
     an encouraging note that I'll keep and read again and again,
     and (this made me cry on the spot) money for a special "Sally treat"
3.  best of all, Anne brought the gifts of her lovely daughter and granddaughters
4.  Gwen, who has listened and loved and believed with me and given me hope
5.  Jan, who forgave us our debt and revealed Your forgiveness and grace
6.  celebrating birthdays with sparklers, songs, and signs
7.  friends who taught together getting together
8.  this wonderful computer
9.  safety in the vicinity of a shooting
10.  pretty paper pineapples

Love, Grace, Gifts. . . Overflowing. . .

With gratitude,

That I May Know Him

Today we get back to work after being at the beach on vacation for a whole week.

The devotion from "My Utmost For His Highest" for today
directs me to the real reason for my work:

"That I may know Him." Philippians 3:10

"The Holy Spirit is determined
that we shall realize Jesus Christ in every domain of life,
and He will bring us back to the same point again and again
until we do.
Self-realization leads to the enthronement of work;
whereas the saint enthrones Jesus Christ in his work.
Whether it be eating or drinking or washing disciples' feet,
whatever it is,
we have to take the initiative of realizing Jesus Christ in it."

O Lord, I want to know You in my work today.

Day 30 - gifts from God:
1.  more than enough food to eat
2.  a beautiful home to live in
3.  rain turning everything green
4.  chilled watermelon soup
6.  Ben helping me shop
7.  two "least of these" ladies
8.  the way You speak to me
9.  the school supply aisle
10.  fresh mint growing by our front porch

With gratitude,

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Even the Least

Matthew 25: 40

"The King will answer and say to them,
'Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine,
even the least of them,
you did it to Me.'"

Lord, You sure are speaking to me about the least of these today.

Am I listening?

Day 29 - gifts from God:
1.  attending FUEL service as a family
2.  beautiful worship music
3.  praying for Margaret and John Victor and rest of M25 mission team
4.  Jose's humility and ability to speak the Truth in love
5.  watching the women's world cup game in the restaurant at lunch
6.  loading the church bus and sending the team off with prayer
7.  finding Mema all right in Progressive Care
8.  Benjamin pulling up a chair and holding Mema's hand
9.  the U.S. team winning in penalty shoot out
10.  sitting on the porch with Victor while it rained this afternoon

Lord, I do want to hear what You are saying to me.

With gratitude,

Saturday, July 09, 2011

Home Sweet Home

After a week at the beach, we are so happy to be home.

Our vacation was wonderful and refreshing,
but it feels so good to be home.

And that's nice.

Day 28 - gifts from God:
1.  Little Darlin' and Sweetie Pie being so glad to see us
2.  Dante (our funny cat) keeping watch by the back door for us
3.  coming home to a beautifully clean house
4.  my dear husband who stayed up nights doing that cleaning for us
5.  candlelight shining through my blue bowl
6.  Joyce's find of a lovely Lennox Holiday candle holder at Goodwill
7.  clean clothes
8.  the tow truck guy fixing Daddy's car so it didn't have to be towed
9.  finding out about our soccer coach's secret skill
10.  spending a whole week with my Dad

With gratitude,

Friday, July 08, 2011


Philippians 4:4

"Rejoice in the Lord always.
I will say it again: Rejoice!"

If we rejoice in the Lord,
we can always rejoice.

Day 27 - gifts from God:
1. Walking in the rain
2. "When You Walk Through A Storm"
3. Heading out to meet the van
4. Suzie's 80th birthday party
5. Lunch at Dunham Farms
6. Delicious three course meal
7. Sitting across from Julie and hearing her toast her mother
8. Visiting with old friends
9. Huge Live Oak trees
10. Browsing through the bookstore

With gratitude,

Thursday, July 07, 2011


Day 26 - gifts from God:
1. Mother wearing skirt sitting in surf playing with her young boys
2. Idea of seasonal praise party
3. Planning to come to Tybee every month
4. Menu ideas
5. Cereal with fresh peaches and blueberries
6. Talking with Suzie about birthday party tomorrow
7. Swimming in the ocean with Margaret
8. Reading in beach chair beside John Victor reading in beach chair
9. Man putting his cell phone away long enough to play frisbee with his wife
10. Mint chocolate chip ice cream with milk

With gratitude,

Wednesday, July 06, 2011

The Vision and the Valley

From "My Utmost for His Highest"

Isaiah 35:7

"And the parched ground shall become a pool."

"We always have visions, before a thing is made real.
When we realize that although the vision is real, it is not real in us,
then is the time that Satan comes in with His temptations,
and we are apt to say it is no use to go on.
Instead of the vision becoming real,
there has come the valley of humiliation.
God gives us the vision,
then He takes us down to the valley to batter us into the shape of the vision,
and it is in the valley that so many of us faint and give way.
Every vision will be made real if we will have patience."

Lord, I feel like I've been in the valley for a long time now.
I still have the vision.
Please help me to have the patience.

I believe You are making the vision real.
Thank you.

Day 25 - gifts from God:
1. A little while at the Tybee Island Public Library
2. Eating with Joe and Margaret and Ben at The Breakfast Club
3. The round, pink sun finally shining through the haze
4. My early morning walk on a quiet beach
5. Margaret's long, brown braids that remind me of Mama as a girl
6. Ben's enthusiasm for soccer
7. Seeing John Victor after ten days
8. Hearing his stories about the medical forum
9. Victor coming to Tybee
10. Watching Dad encourage my children

These are days of renewed vision
and I am deeply thankful.

With gratitude,

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

Commit Thy Way

Psalm 37:5

"Commit thy way unto the Lord;
trust also in Him;
and He shall bring it to pass."

Lord, help me to commit my way to You.
Help me to trust in You.
Help me to believe You shall bring it to pass.

Day 24 - gifts from God:
1. Waking and walking and talking with the Lord
2. Watching Dad begin his early morning run
3. Pelicans diving
4. Hearing JV describe his medical forum experiences over the cell phone
5. Andrew and Beth and friends coming to the beach for the day
6. Fitting a piece in the jigsaw puzzle
7. Finishing "The Sweetest Thing"
8. Having supper at the Crab Shack with Dad
9. Victor having me listen to hail hitting our foyer windows over the phone
10. The storm stopped while we were talking

Thank you for another wonderful day at the beach!

With gratitude,

Monday, July 04, 2011

Do Not Fret

Psalm 37:8

"Do not fret;
it leads only to evil doing."

Looking out at the ocean as far as I can see
helps me to not fret.

How good it is to be here, Lord,
with You at the beach.

Thank You.

Day 23 - gifts from God:
1. Driving to Hilton Head at dawn with Dad and Ben
2. Watching them run the Firecracker 5000 together
3. Finding a bench in the shade of an arbor
4. Crossing the bridge and looking back at Savannah at sunrise
5. The upstairs porch swing at Tybee
6. Ben running his fourth race with Joe
7. A midday nap in our room at the beach house
8. Sitting in a beach chair reading a good book feeling the breeze
9. Losing track of time
10. Joe's low country boil on the Fourth of July

With gratitude,

Sunday, July 03, 2011

All My Heart

Psalm 111:1

"Praise the Lord!
I will give thanks to the Lord with all my heart!

Day 21 - gifts from God:
1. Watching fireworks on the beach with good friends and family
2. Ross grilling brats
3. Sweet fresh pineapple
4. Huge American flag flying from our lighthouse
5. Long Sunday morning walk on beach
6. Visiting with old friends on their porch
7. Time to talk with dear, good friend
8. Sand dollars
9. Talking around the supper table
10. Shining sea oats

With gratitude,

Saturday, July 02, 2011

Be Glad In It!

This is the day the Lord has made!
Let us rejoice and
Be glad in it!

It's Tybee Time!
Let us rejoice and
Be glad in it!

Day 21 - gifts from God:
1. Being at Tybee with my dad
2. Watching Margaret and Ben play soccer against Team Vallarta
3. Having both vehicles serviced
4. Stopping at the bookstore and finding all my books
5. Bringing restaurant leftovers to the beach for supper
6. Sarah and Ross driving down for holiday weekend
7. Walking on beach after supper
8. Pretty pink sky behind our lighthouse
9. World Cup Soccer on TV for Ben
10. Writing this post on my dad's Ipad

With gratitude,

Friday, July 01, 2011

Praying Always

Colossians 1:3

"We give thanks to God,
the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
praying always for you."

Day 20 - gifts from God:
1.  Joyce and James coming by on way home from hospital
2.  exceeding our high goal this week
3.  tomorrow we begin our first week of summer vacation
4.  fresh corn
5.  a fresh month
6.  my sister calling
7.  our town's walking trail
8.  Barbara (and Billy?) waving from kitchen window
9.  Rachel in her pajamas with her cup of coffee
10.  pink clouds at sunset

With gratitude,

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Yet Sinners

Romans 5:8

"But God demonstrates His own love toward us,
in that while we were yet sinners,
Christ died for us."

God demonstrates His love.
Christ died for us.

Help me, O Lord, to love like You love.

Most of all, please help me to remember
that You demonstrated Your love,
You died for us,
while we were yet sinners.

Yet sinners.

Love without conditions.

Costly love.
Freely given.

Day 19 - gifts from God:
1.  wisteria blooming at the perfect smelling level by back steps
2.  a very full house for lunch
3.  one more crab cake
4.  caring folks asking about Daddy and the snakebite
5.  beautiful black-eyed Susans
6.  Victor's gift for arranging God's gifts from the garden
7.  Ben looking handsome in a blue bow tie
8.  Margaret finding great bargains thrifting with her Dad
9.  John Victor's passport arrived in the mail!
10.  a brand new Upper Room

With gratitude,

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Display of His Splendor

Isaiah 61:3 says:

". . . and provide for those who grieve in Zion
to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes,
the oil of gladness instead of mourning,
and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair.
They will be called oaks of righteousness,
a planting of the Lord for the display of His splendor."

O Lord, I believe You planted us
and You will provide
and praise.
Through Your provision, O Lord,
we will be called oaks of righteousness.
And because You planted us
we will display Your splendor.

O Lord, I choose to believe this today.

Day 18 - gifts from God:
1.  going on a date
2.  lemon drops
3.  an anniversary card from friends going before us
4.  Ann's sweet message on the answering machine on behalf of our church family
5.  dear Holly who loves with Your love
6.  getting a haircut
7.  "I will not allow this tragedy to be the defining moment of our lives"
8.  folks coming time and again to have lunch with us
9.  Margaret's pretty gold shoes on pretty Margaret
10.  Suzie calling today offering us her Highlands home for a week
       - such an anniversary gift!

I commit today to pray.

With gratitude,

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Great and Mighty Things

Jeremiah 33:3

"Call to me and I will answer you,
and I will tell you great and mighty things,
which you do not know."

All we have to do is call to God.
If we call to Him, He will answer us.
He will not only answer us,
but He will tell us great and mighty things.
He will tell us things we do not know.

All we have to do is call.

And God will answer us.


Day 17 - gifts from God:
1.  early (very early) morning quiet time
2.  summer rain
3.  windows filled with green leaves
4.  21 guests at restaurant after being closed last week for reception
5.  newlyweds
6.  Margaret pitching in so competently in kitchen
7.  Benjamin in tux with crocs and dimples
8.  little cellophane bags of candy
9.  Scott asking for more biscuits with jam
10.  sweet, encouraging Mindy

With gratitude,

Monday, June 27, 2011

Be Strong

Psalm 27:14

"Wait for the Lord;
be strong,
and let your heart take courage;
wait for the Lord!"

Sometimes our problems and challenges seem overwhelming.
In the face of them, we might feel weak and fearful.
But, if we wait for the Lord,
we can be strong.
We can let our hearts take courage.

Dear God, help me not to give up.
Help me to wait for you, to take courage, and to be strong.

Day 16 - gifts from God:
1.  putting things back in place
2.  my pocket calculator at the grocery store
3.  John Victor's text:  "Tell Mom i love  her."
4.  Margaret is feeling better
5.  Sarah has a kitten
6.  Victor grilling steaks for supper
7.  Beth from the bank asking how the reception went
8.  lots of little Roma tomatoes from our garden
9.  finding out how to add pictures
10.  JV solving the case

Thanksgiving is a gift.

With gratitude,

Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Lord's Doing

Psalm 118:23

"This is the Lord's doing;
It is marvelous in our eyes."

Victor and Emily sang Rebekah and Matt's verse at their wedding reception.

It was all the Lord's doing
and it was truly marvelous in our eyes.

Thank you, Lord.

Day 15 - gifts from God:
1.  watching "Yours, Mine, and Ours" with Margaret
2.  the sound of the rain
3.  the rain holding off until after the reception
4.  the sound of our dishwasher working all day long
5.  miniature gardenias at the Zaxby's drive-thru
6.  Margaret's "nath" (a nap in the bathtub)
7.  our washer and dryer, such amazing helpers
8.  JV going to medical forum at Emory
9.  Sunday at home to rest and recuperate
10.  Barry's pictures and kind words on Facebook

With gratitude,

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Find Yourself

Galatians 2:20

"I have been crucified with Christ;
and it is no longer I who live,
but Christ lives in me;
and the life which I now live in the flesh
I live by faith in the Son of God,
who loved me
and gave Himself up for me."

From "My Utmost":
"The way to find yourself
is in the fires of sorrow.
why it should be so is another matter,
but that it is so is true in the Scriptures and in human experience.
. . . If you receive yourself in the fires of sorrow,
God will make you nourishment for other people."

God, please help me not to waste the sorrow and suffering
- even the sin -
in my life.
Help me to us them to give life to others
in your name.

Day 14 - gifts from God:
1.  Margaret peeling and chopping 20 pounds of potatoes
2.  Ben and JV battling with the lawn mower
3.  the cookie tree
4.  the fruit peacock
5.  staying sort of on schedule
6.  that we planned ahead to close the restaurant this week
7.  a kitchen stool to sit on
8.  shadows dancing from breeze stirring leaves
9.  yellow tulle
10.  "24 hours to go"

I trust You, Lord, for today.

With gratitude,

Friday, June 24, 2011

The Lord Will Provide

Help me to trust that the Lord will provide.

Isaiah 43:20-21
"The Lord says,
"I give water in the wilderness,
rivers in the desert,
to give drink to my chosen people,
the people whom I formed for myself
so that they might declare my praise."

Help me to declare Your praise.

Genesis 22:14
"Abraham called the name of that place
The Lord Will Provide,
as it is said to this day,
In the mount of the Lord
it will be provided."

Help me to remember that
the Lord will provide in the place of sacrifice.

Help me today, Lord, to offer you a sacrifice of praise.

Day 13 - gifts from God:
1.  Miller driving from Savannah to visit
2.  Miller giving Joseph a ride home and a listening ear
3.  a good salad and buttered rolls
4.  Ashley's inspired and dedicated leadership
5.  yeast rolls rising
6.  chocolate cupcakes coming out all right
7.  a feasible plan for today
8.  kind, loving words
9.  iced, monogramed cookies
10.  covered pans from Rebekah just right to hold cupcakes

With gratitude,

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Acquainted With Grief

Jesus was "a Man of sorrows and acquainted with grief." (Isaiah 53:)

He is with us in our deepest sorrow and understands our greatest grief.

My Utmost for His Highest reminds us today that:

"We are not acquainted with grief in the way in which Our Lord was acquainted with it;
we endure it, we get through it,
but we do not become intimate with it.
. . . we have to reconcile ourselves to the fact of sin
as the only explanation as to why Jesus Christ came,
and as the explanation of the grief and sorrow in life."

Jesus knows and understands and He is with us in our grief.

For this we can give thanks.

Day 12 - gifts from God:
1.  white ribbons everywhere
2.  shopping done within budget
3.  sharing song
4.  Victor's special touches
5.  Joseph noticing names. . . his name. . . by secretary
6.  using Sarah's salad bowl
7.  "B"s on vases and all around
8.  a beautiful, powerful reminder to memorize God's Word
9.  Ben wanting to walk with me
10.  yellow flower floating candles found at Goodwill

I thank You, Lord, that you are also intimately acquainted with us.
I love You.

With gratitude,

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

For Everything?

Ephesians 5:20

"Give thanks always and for everything."

For everything?

For everything.

O God, help me to give thanks always

and for everything.

Day 11 - gifts from God:
1.  Andrew hosting skate day
2.  Andrew giving hot dogs to lady and kids ("You're the pizza man!")
3.  Joseph being home
4.  Margaret setting up hose box for Vic
5.  zucchini, bell peppers, banana peppers, roma tomatoes. . . from our garden
6.  JV making checklist with little boxes
7.  Ben giving up his room for his brother
8.  white bows to express deepest sympathy
9.  heartfelt notes
10.  Miller offering to come here

With gratitude,

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Lamentations 3:22-24

"The Lord's lovingkindnesses
indeed never cease,
For His compassions never fail.
They are new every morning;
Great is your faithfulness
'The Lord is my portion,'
says my soul,
'Therefore I have hope in Him."

Recording Your lovingkindnesses every morning
gives me hope.

Thank you, Lord.

Day 10 - gifts (lovingkindnesses) from God:
1.  a day to clean
2.  a town that cares
3.  Victor's ability to make things beautiful
4.  a vision for victory
5.  inspirational family planner
6.  candy station
7.  crab cakes and fresh vegetables
8.  first day of summer
9.  encouraging thank you notes
10.  fine young man, now grown, with boy of his own

Lovingkindnesses, compassion, faithfulness, hope. . .
new every morning!

With gratitude,

Monday, June 20, 2011

Lavish Love

I John 3:1

"How great is the love
the Father has lavished on us,
that we should be called
children of God!"

Everyday, all the time, You lavish us with gifts of love.

Thank you, God, thank you.

Day 9 - gifts from God (love lavished):
1.  beautiful afternoon supper overlooking creek at Crab Shack with Joe
2.  waitress, Maria, knowing Joe, and asking about his accident
3.  starting beach scene jigsaw puzzle in plain view of our own breathtaking beach scene
4.  evening walk on beach with Margaret and Ben
5.  M and B playing with soccer ball as we walk
6.  sun setting behind lighthouse
7.  raspberry sherbet
8.  how much Dad's hand and arm have healed
9.  seeing Sue and her daughters doing so much better than 2 weeks ago
10.  long early morning prayer walk at Tybee

lavish: 1. very generous or liberal in giving, often extravagantly so; prodigal
           2.  more than enough; very abundant

lavish love. . .

prodigal Father. . .

grateful daughter.

With gratitude,

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Greater Glory

Romans 8:14-18
"For all who are being led by the Spirit of God,
these are children of god.
For you have not received 
a spirit of slavery leading to fear again,
but you have received
a spirit of adoption as children
by which we cry out,
'Abba! Father!'
The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit
that we are children of God 
and if children, 
heirs also,
heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ,
if indeed we suffer with him
so that we also might be glorified with Him.
For I consider that the sufferings of this present time
are not worthy to be compared with
the glory that is to be revealed to us."

Lord, the sufferings of this present time are terrible.

Thank you for the promise of greater glory.

Help us to "trust in You with all our heart."

Day 8 - gifts from God:
1.  Daddy's eyes and the smile crinkles I'd see in the rearview mirror
2.  Daddy running the hardest part by my side
3.  his hand reaching out with compassion
4.  that same hand healing from a life-threatening snakebite
5.  singing hymns together growing up
6.  our children growing up singing with Victor
7.  Victor's generous spirit to all, especially our children
8.  tickling
9.  scaring - in a playful way
10.  teaching us to laugh at ourselves and with each other

God, thank you for helping us to
"never, never, never give up."

With gratitude,

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Rejoice Always

I Thessalonians 5:16-18

"Rejoice always;
pray without ceasing;
in everything give thanks;
for this is God's will for you
in Christ Jesus."

Lord, how is it possible to do these things?


Please help.

Day 7 - gifts from God:
1.  blue chairs in leafy green
2.  yarrow - "bride's bouquet"
3.  birds flitting and perching
4.  cool air cleared by rain
5.  man braking and honking at pups
6.  a Saturday to get set
7.  man working diligently in dark and rain
8.  hugging children now my size or bigger
9.  Andrew checking in, calling, stopping by
10.  sharing our story, sharing hope

Please, Lord, help me understand how this verse is Your will
in times like these.

With gratitude,

Friday, June 17, 2011

Enter Within the Veil

The passage from the Upper Room devotion this morning brought hope again.

Hebrews 6:18-20 

". . . Have strong encouragement 
to take hold of the hope set before us.
This hope we have as an anchor of the soul,
a hope both sure and steadfast
and one which enters within the veil,
where Jesus has entered as a forerunner for us."

I look up to the painting on the alcove wall.
Stephanie painted it while Crystal played the harp 
at our "Hope In God" luncheon four years ago.

The painting is of a woman leaning, reaching
toward the golden light beyond the torn veil.

She painted it not knowing that Gwen had prayed
for an illustration for the verses she planned to share 
about hope: Hebrews 6:18-20.
Gwen had in mind an anchor.
God had in mind the veil that tore apart
when His Son suffered and died upon the cross
so that we might enter within
and have hope.

God knew that day that I needed hope.
I needed a hope both sure and steadfast,
and one which enters within the veil.

Each day when I see the painting of the woman reaching for the light,
I hear His voice calling me to enter within the veil,
to hope
in God.

Day 6 - gifts from God:
1.  walking out the door early to see
2.  the fading full moon in the lightening sky
3.  and the first bright reflections of rays on downtown bricks
4.  waking my sweet Margaret sleeping soundly, safely in her bed
5.  talking with Victor about a possible positive perspective
6.  hearing Tahlia's voice returning my overdue call and connecting
7.  Victor's delicious sauteed pineapple with squash, zucchini and sweet onions
8.  meeting a neighbor for the first time at the restaurant
9.  my She Speaks registration hasn't been cancelled - there's still time
10.  Daddy sounding so much better

In the midst of tragedy, violence, separation, debt, and trauma,
somehow Your grace overflows,
gives hope.

With gratitude,

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Lay Down the Life

From "My Utmost for His Highest":

"Greater love hath no man that this,
that a man lay down his life for his friend". . .
"I have called you friends."
                                            John 15:13,15

"Has the Lord ever asked you --
'Wilt thou lay down thy life for My sake?'
It is far easier to die
than to lay down the life day in and day out
with the sense of high calling.
We are not made for brilliant moments,
but we have to walk in the light of them
in ordinary ways."

Lord, friend, are you asking me to lay down the life
          day in and day out?
          with the sense of high calling?
          in ordinary ways?

Today, how will I lay down the life You have given me?

How will I give it back to You?

Day 5 - gifts from God:
1.  the sound of gentle rain in the night
2.  waking up a few minutes before the alarm
3.  JV's third scope going smoothly
4.  Pat complimenting Ben and his dimples showing
5.  mother-daughter lunch
6.  friends celebrating each other's birthdays
7.  an invitation to a party for friend's "big 8-0"
8.  summer soccer
9.  good doctor's report from Dad
10.  Margaret going the extra mile

Maybe going the extra mile is laying down the life.
Lord, help me to follow Margaret's example today.

With gratitude,

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Worried and Bothered

A timely reminder from the Lord:

"Martha welcomed Him into her home. . .
but she was distracted with all her preparations. . .
The Lord said to her,
'Martha, Martha,
you are worried and bothered
about so many things;
but only one thing is necessary,
for Mary has chosen the good part
(Mary was seated at the Lord's feet, listening to His word),
which shall not be taken away from her."
                                                                   - from Luke 10:38-42

Have I welcomed the Lord into my home?

Am I distracted with all my preparations?

Am I worried and bothered about

Only one thing is necessary.

Be still and know.

Seek first His kingdom.

Choose the good part.

Day 4 - gifts from God:
1.  "new" dishwasher installed and washing
2.  the downstairs AC unit works
3.  Margaret's patient and encouraging ways
4.  Benjamin taking care of Timothy at VBS
5.  Brenda coming to kitchen to say thank you
6.  the thrill of sparklers
7.  working with Victor
8.  Mary Nelle coming back
9.  ladies meeting in parlor after lunch
10.  the moon shining through the clouds

Lord, thank you for speaking to me.
Thank you for Your Word.
Thank you for helping me to listen.
I love You.

With gratitude,

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Get A Move On!

This line from the "My Utmost for His Highest" devotion for today
just about jumped off the page at me this morning:

"Get a move on; begin to abide now."

I just returned home after a wonderful time of abiding in Christ
at the Image of the Maker retreat and felt so filled up with God,
so ready to keep on abiding in His love and peace.

Yet, night before last a nightmare barged into my abiding.
And last night I let exhaustion have its way
as I fretted and fumed and sighed my way
through the final necessary preparations for the restaurant
and went to bed and tossed and turned instead of resting, abiding.

So I guess God knew what I needed to hear this morning.

"Think of the things that take you out of abiding in Christ -
Yes, Lord, just a minute, I have got this to do;
Yes, I will abide when once this is finished;
when this week is over, it will be all right,
I will abide then.
In the initial stages it is a continual effort
until it becomes so much the law of life
that you abide in Him unconsciously.
Determine to abide in Jesus wherever you are placed."

Lord, please help me today (just for today) to abide in You.

Day 3 - gifts from God:
(thinking back to the retreat)
1.  new black sandals without staples for just $10
2.  unbroken chain for Mama's cross
3.  hearing old friend's familiar laughter again
4.  accurate directions
5.  cool, green-covered winding drive into conference center
6.  Kathy's friendly smile and welcoming handshake
7.  room D13 with a leafy view and a rocking chair
8.  kneeling to pray
9.  Victor's ready encouragement to go
10.  registering right away - moved by Holy Spirit.

As I abide, please open my eyes to Your gifts,
Your abundant gifts of love, life.

With gratitude,