Monday, July 18, 2011

Make a Difference

From Upper Room devotion:

"Yes, our efforts may be small, but that does not mean they are insignificant.
God can use even the most ordinary people and actions to make a difference in someone's life."

"Prayer: God of all being, thank you for the small joys and surprises of each day.
Help us to be aware of you in the little and big moments of life.
Help us to let our light shine for you. Amen."

Everyday You give us opportunities to make a difference, Lord.
Open my eyes and help me to see all the opportunities around me each day.
Help me not to miss an opportunity to make a difference for You.

Day 37 - gifts from God:
1.  early morning light on the porch
2.  roses: yellow, red, light pink, dark pink
3.  nail polish the color of pink crepe myrtle blossoms
4.  Stephanie working me in on a Friday afternoon
5.  Miss Rachel calling me in to give me vine ripe tomatoes
6.  being missed at church
7.  listening to Margaret
8.  receiving encouraging pretty thank you note from our Sarah
9.  sweet strawberries
10.  praying with Benjamin

With gratitude,

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