Monday, September 19, 2011

To Live Again

Yesterday I asked the Lord to revive me.  Please.

"Revive" means:
1.  to come or bring back to life or consciousness; resuscitate
2.  to come or bring back to a healthy, vigorous, or flourishing condition after a decline
3.  to come or bring back into use or attention
4.  to become or make valid, effective, or operative again
5.  to come or bring to mind again
6.  to produce or exhibit again after an interval

and it comes from:
re-, again + vivere, to live

Don't you just love those meanings?

The great thing is this:  I asked Him to revive me and He already is!

Jesus said (in Matthew 21:22) "And all things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive."

Thank you, Lord.

Day Three - Gifts from God:
1.  the coffee grinder Mema gave me
2.  freshly ground coffee first thing in the morning
3.  a good, long hug from my husband
4.  JV's calmness
5.  recalling benefits while we walk
6.  money for groceries
7.  remembering to ask the Lord
8.  pretty butterflies all around
9.  sunlight on breeze-blown green leaves
10.  Monday morning

With gratitude,

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