Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Way

From "The Upper Room" prayer workshop for Sept/Oct:

"In Christ, God shows us that even when it seems that evil has triumphed,
God has a way to bring renewed life."

Help us, Lord, not to give up, but to remember:
You have a way.
You are the Way,
the Truth,
the Life.

Day Eight - Gifts from God:
1.  umbrellas for the rain and the sun
2.  the breathing room of a Saturday
3.  Victor cleaning up the kitchen so I could sit a little longer on the porch
4.  staying up late to finish a good book
5.  remembering early inspiration
6.  my sister's voice on the answering machine
7.  catching up with a friend
8.  learning about art and alzheimer's
9.  the possibility of a solution
10.  new ideas

With gratitude,

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