Wednesday, September 28, 2011

What To Pay Attention To

The "Thought for the Day" from "The Upper Room" hits the nail on the head:

"Ultimately, our happiness depends on what we pay attention to."

Philippians 4:4-9 tells us what to pay attention to:
"Whatever is true,
whatever is noble,
whatever is right,
whatever is pure,
whatever is lovely,
whatever is admirable --
if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--
think about such things."

That's what we are doing here.

And it sure does make me happy.

Day Twelve - Gifts from God:
1.  one of Ben's soccer heroes got a hat trick yesterday - just like Ben
2.  Nancy Pat and friends came to the restaurant again
3.  Margaret got her Learner's Permit and drove home very capably (though excitedly!)
4.  seeing a delicate hummingbird come to the feeder that hangs from Mema's magnificent pecan tree
5.  Retha pulling up behind me and offering me a verse and her prayers and looking pretty in purple
6.  John Victor being patient
7.  Joseph sending Margaret a drawing and a letter in the mail for her birthday
8.  the laughingest going away party I've ever seen
9.  the "We Will Miss You" song
10.  friends having lunch together and talking and visiting and taking their time

With gratitude,

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