Saturday, November 26, 2011

A New Day

I framed the painting Margaret did in art class
and hung it right beside my secretary.
It's of a field and trees and sky and plants.
The words below the tallest tree say:
"The Blue Sky is clear,
 Yesterday is forgotten,
 A new Day has come. . . . . "

Thanksgiving Day has come and gone,
but my Thanksgiving will go on
because I believe a new day has come to our family.

I read this morning from Ezra from a section in chapter 3 subtitled
"Temple Restoration Begun".
Verse 11 says:
"They sang,
 praising and giving thanks to the Lord, saying,
'for He is good,
for His lovingkindness is upon Israel forever.'
And all the people shouted with a great shout
when they praised the Lord because
the foundation of the Lord was laid."

Could it be?
Has our family's restoration begun?

Yes.  A new day has come!

Thank You, Lord, for:
*Margaret's creativity
*Joseph's nice friend
*Mema's pretty hairdo
*time to put away Thanksgiving decorations and dishes
*our new dryer helping me catch up on the laundry
*seeing dear Carolyn while on my walk
*school pictures smiling at me
*the cats being able to come inside
*Benjamin waking up before me ready to play soccer on a Saturday morning
*talking over good memories of this Thanksgiving with Vic

With gratitude,

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