Saturday, March 05, 2011

Treasure for the Taking

"The wonder of God is that every day you walk with Him is a treasure!" - Beth Moore

Today is Day 7 of my 100 Days and I feel like I have discovered treasure every day without even having to hunt for it.  Somehow, by simply making my list each day the treasure is there for the taking.  All I have to do is to receive each treasure with gratitude and I am suddenly rich in love, God's love.

The secret is to treasure the present.  God is revealing Himself in every moment.  If I will just notice and appreciate His gifts of love, I will see His glory.

Abundant, victorious life is found in giving thanks day by day, moment by moment.

Day 7 - gifts from God:
1.  drive time = prayer time
2.  finding just the right card for Sarah
3.  "bubble boy" who keeps me laughing
4.  John Victor's trophy:  a muddy jersey
5.  leftover pasta salad with basil-lemon dressing
6.  an umbrella in my pocketbook
7.  puppies so glad to see us come home
8.  our best dryer ever (a hand-me-down from friends)
9.  cell phones connecting us
10.  that the back-up plan might just be the best plan.  Trust God.

Day 7 Card for my canary.  Wish I could do more.

Lord, forgive me for undiscovered treasure and unopened gifts.  Thank you for a wonder of a week!

With gratitude,

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