Saturday, January 05, 2013

Arrested by Wonder

How did we already get to Saturday?
How did we already get to the fifth day of this new year?
Time flies.

In my "1000 Gifts" devotion this morning
Ann uses the phrase "arrested by wonder".

Could it be that when we wonder,
when we are filled with amazement, astonishment, and admiration,
time stops?

Could it be that when we take the time
to remember and record
the wonders of God's love
we redeem the time?

Being "arrested" is:
-"to stop or check the motion, course or spread of"
So, when we are "arrested by wonder",
do we stop the motion, course or spread of the time of our life?
-"to seize or take into custody by authority of the law"
So, when we are "arrested by wonder",
are we seized by God,
taken into God's custody and keeping
by the authority of
Who God Is
and the law of
God's great love for us
received through
wondering at His everyday good gifts?
-"to catch and keep (one's attention, sight. . .)"
So, when we are "arrested by wonder",
and, especially, when we "write wonder",
when we remember and record and return thanks for
the wonders of God's love,
are we caught and kept by God?

Is this what Philippians 4:4-7 tells us about
the secret to slowing time, to lingering over life?
"Rejoice in the Lord always;
again I will say, Rejoice.
Let your gentleness be known to everyone.
The Lord is near.
Do not worry about anything,
but in everything,
by prayer and supplication,
with thanksgiving,
let your requests be known to God.
And the peace of God,
which surpasses all understanding,
will guard your hearts and your minds
in Christ Jesus."

When we are "arrested by wonder",
when we stop to rejoice with thanksgiving,
our hearts and our minds
are guarded
by the peace of God
and God's great love for us
in Christ Jesus.

Instead of time flying,
time is filled with wonder.
Life is filled with love-
the wonderful love of God!

Thank You, God, for these wonders of Your love:
65. the movement of "Bodyflow"
66. hugging a new friend
67. breathing deeply
68. meditation and relaxation
69. reaching high and bowing low
70. "cuties" (sweet, easy, little oranges)
71. Benjamin and Margaret getting the job done
72. a lunch date with Victor
73. an unexpected gift certificate
74. a tableful of laughing ladies
75. "Quesadilla Explosion"
76. the touch of a son's hand on my shoulder
77. sweeping clean
78. slice and bake cookies
79. the colorful glow of candlelight through red and blue and green glass
80. a husband who gives good gifts

With gratitude,

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