Friday, January 11, 2013

Lost in Wonder, Love, and Praise

Last Sunday I forgot to join the church.

While driving with Victor to the later service where he plays the piano,
he asked me,
"Did y'all join the church this morning?"

Pause. A bit of embarrassment.
"No. . . I forgot."

"You forgot to join the church?!"

Benjamin and Margaret and I had planned for weeks
to transfer our membership
to the church where they have been involved now for several years.
We talked about it.
I phoned the pastor.
I reminded the children the night before.
We even all got up on time and got ready.
(Though we were still a little bit late.)

All through the service,
the singing and announcements,
the praying and offering,
the preaching of the Word,
I anticipated going forward at the end of the service.

And then the last song came.
I sang.
My eyes closed.
The words penetrated.
My hands lifted.
I forgot.
I forgot myself.
I was "lost in wonder, love, and praise."
And I forgot to join the church.

But, for the moment, something better happened.

I found God.
I found myself in God.

"Finish, then, thy new creation;
Pure and sinless let us be.
Let us see thy great salvation
Perfectly restored in thee;
Changed from glory into glory,
Til in heaven we take our place,
Til we cast our crowns before thee,
Lost in wonder, love, and praise!"
(from Charles Wesley's hymn "Love Divine, All Loves Excelling")

Thank You, God, for these wonders of Your love:
161. a new way of seeing: The Artist's Way
162. miniature watercolors marking gift list
163. "still life" slowing, stopping to see
164. waking just before the alarm and turning it off
165. walking into the Wellness Center
166. Fay's ready, "Yes, of course."
167. realizing all the reading I've done recently
168. looking up directions/locations on Mapquest
169. the possibility of a place to stay already offered
170. Joseph applying
171. Victor having time to stop along the way
172. Margaret's generous sharing of Sonic gift card
173. birthday cards
174. calling Dad
175. BBQ brisket, kettle-cooked chips, and fresh fruit
176. little silver basket of chocolates

With gratitude,

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